Mileage Towards A Half Mary

>> Thursday, December 18, 2008

The evening news just said that we got snow 15 out of 17 days in December. I just got done with an 8 mile run on all that packed white crap. And, I’ve just come down with a little cold. It’s not too bad, and a lot of times a cold will get better with a nice run. (If you’re not a runner, you think that sounds CRAZY. If you’re a runner, you TOTALLY understand.)

The weather was a little chilly, but still great for a run. It was 14 with a windchill of 6:

I strapped on my YakTrax to help deal with the snow and ice. In case you don’t know, YakTrax are basically rubber tubes wrapped with springs that help with traction in these slippery conditions:

I ran the first 4 in 27:12, and the last 4 in 25:45 for a total of 52:57. That’s 6:37 / mile while in my YakTrax, on top of a lot of snow, while fighting a cold. Not too shabby. I’ll be adding a mile to that run each week until the end of January when I’ll be running the St. Paul Winter Carnival Half Marathon. I’ll be trying to hold that pace as I add mileage in hopes of PRing during that half. I KNOW I can PR, but we'll have to see by how much...

Remember to check back to see how I do at the indoor track meet on Sunday. And then I’ll be meeting Juila at the pool to do 20 x 100 on Monday. Fun times. Speedy times. Oh, and come on back in a few hours for a new Friday Funny. Stay warm out there!


Aron 5:49 PM, December 18, 2008  

holy hell that is COLD!!! BRRR :)

awesome job on the run in the snow!!

Anonymous,  5:55 PM, December 18, 2008  

Look like great snow shoes. More practical than stylish, however. Nothing compared to your virtuousity in 10 Seconds Later.

Really enjoyed that, by the way. Trying to guess what event you were reacting to, a little like guessing the lyrics to a song you never heard before, and wondering if it was all just a put on....

We'll stay tuned....

P.S. Was Andy Warhol a closet JOCK? Are YOU a closet ANDY WARHOL?

P.P.S. Don't you just HATE LOU REED?

duchossois 6:04 PM, December 18, 2008  

Good luck. If you want better times on your speed work in the winter, check our screw shoes, a lighter and less clunky alternative to YakTrax.

Alisa 6:05 PM, December 18, 2008  

Dang I thought our little snow storm was bad..15 out of 17 days! (Normally for us it's rain 31 out of 31 days of Decemeber.)

I love husband had never heard of them. They are fantastic. I used to use them when I lived in Boston. 6:05 PM, December 18, 2008  

Nice run!
Don't let that cold get to bad, or you will be like me...can't remember the last time I did something fitness related other than blowing my nose...

Julianne 6:16 PM, December 18, 2008  

That is seriously way to cold. And that Yak Trax thing does not look comfy to me! You are so hardcore. BTW, I talked about you in my blog today. Well, kinda... :-)

jen 7:26 PM, December 18, 2008  


Good luck at the indoor track meet!!

Judi 7:29 PM, December 18, 2008  

yea for 100's in the pool! Be sure to warm up and cool down!

Missy 8:12 PM, December 18, 2008  

Bloody hell, that's bone chilling cold, I don't care who you are! Way to go, still smoked my ass on my best day under the best of conditions.

Mel-2nd Chances 8:22 PM, December 18, 2008  

i totally understand feeling better after running with a cold. Stay warm!! I think it's colder there than in Canada! :) it's ok though, we're about to be buried by snow tomorrow and sunday. I need to get a pair of those Yak Trax.

Adam 8:23 PM, December 18, 2008  

That half in January would be a good prep race for your first 50k trail race in April at Chippewa! I'm assuming it would be your first, my apologies if not. Great race, not far away for you East Siders.

Michelle 8:49 PM, December 18, 2008  

Wow man you are amazing!!

Do you recommend those tak trak thingies???

triguyjt 8:54 PM, December 18, 2008  

love to run in the frigid weather..
getting a pair of yaktrax sent to me..look forward to using them.....

way to keep the pace up in the cold stuff

Ron 9:47 PM, December 18, 2008  

14 with a wind chill of 6. That's incrediable. I worked a little late and used that as an excuse. Thanks your inspiring.

CoachLiz 7:05 AM, December 19, 2008  


Come to Texas! It was 75 degrees yesterday and it is 68 degrees this morning. All our snow we got last week is long gone!

Rainmaker 9:47 AM, December 19, 2008  

I just picked up a pair of Trax yesterday, looking forward to using them Sunday. Woohoo!

Anonymous,  12:54 PM, December 19, 2008  

So I gotta ask you, how do you keep your motivation up in the winter? I live in Montana and it sounds like we have similar conditions to run in. Ever since the snow started falling, so has my motivation and my miles. I'm guessing I just need to 'suck it up'!

Love the blog,


Marathon Maritza 2:00 PM, December 19, 2008  

I can't believe you run in that...I can't get out in 40 degrees!

Thank you for your supportive comment on my blog...I needed the vent. :)

RooBabs 2:54 PM, December 23, 2008  

Okay, I know that Minnesota is cold, but dang!! That wind chill seriously blows goats.

I'm also working toward a half-marathon in January, but fortunately it will be down south (St. George, UT) where it's a little warmer. I'm expecting around 40 degrees at race start.

In the meantime, I think I really need to get me some Yak Trax. Maybe Santa will bring me some...

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