Indoor Triathlon Official Results

>> Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Well, the official results came out from the indoor triathlon that was Sunday, and I ended up in the top spot:

- 1st out of 23 in the SPRINT distance

- 1st fastest swim
- 3rd fastest T1
(based on 1:00 on my watch and not the 0:03 listed)
- 1st fastest bike
- 3rd fastest T2
- 1st fastest run

As I mentioned in my race report, there were some timing issues. It really wasn’t a big deal because my final time was within a few seconds of what I had on my watch, but somehow, a big chunk of time disappeared from my T1 and was added to my run. (I had splits of 7:21, 1:00, 13:59, 0:05, and 11:47, which differed from the official results by -0:01, +0:57, +0:07, -0:01, and -1:10.)

It appears 2 people slightly beat me through T1 (which *is* possible if they didn’t have to sit down to put on their shoes). And 2 people beat me through T2 as well because I ran around the cones to start the run (where I saw someone in the wave before me just cut through the cones, and she had a 0:02 T2 time in the end - I asked a volunteer how to dismount from the bike, and only then did I learn I should go around all the cones).

The YWCA admitted some race-day issues, and like I said, it really wasn’t a big deal. Some volunteers apparently stopped some stopwatches instead of just letting them run, and that threw some things off. And even though they had waves planning on going off every 15 minutes, they had 9 racers (between all 3 distances) that had swim splits that were over 15 minutes, so it was impossible to stay on time. Not to mention a number of racers with nearly 15 minute splits, and they didn’t start the next wave just seconds after anyone got out of the pool. (If you look at my T1 photo in my race report, you’ll see that I’m far off to the side of the mats that we were supposed to be on because there wasn’t time to get the wave before us cleared out and our wave re-situated on the mats because there was so little turnaround time. I threw all my stuff off to the side so I could hop in the pool and warm up, and then our wave started maybe 2 minutes after the final racer from the wave before us got out of the pool.)

So the Y has said that they’ve learned from this and that the next tri will be better, and I’m not worried.


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