Photos from the 2018 TC 1 Mile

>> Tuesday, June 05, 2018

Race buddy Tom R posted a big album of photos from the TC 1 Mile. (Yes, that race was a number of weeks ago, but I'm just getting to this now... here was my race report if you missed it.)

Below are some of Tom's photos of me and my team:

Leader of the USATF wave in 4:19. Making it look easy.

Former student Jeremy (backwards cap) running a 4:40.

P.P. in the yellow on the right, with me WAY BACK THERE through that opening around the bend.

Again, barely visible between the 2 guys in black toward the left.
(Behind race buddy Nathan C in the red.)

Teammate Niko (brown) was just in front of me. And two Brians in this photo too.

Me (with AWKWARD LEGS) and Jamie in the middle.

Me, Jamie, and Niko.

I'm totally covering up Jamie, but here was our top 3 for our team.

Last photo of me at the edge of the frame. Jamie was just starting to
pass me here - he beat me by exactly 1.0 second: 69th and 70th overall.

Jordan less than 20 seconds behind us!

Nicole! (In the red tank.)

David (purple, left) and Jacob (orange, right).

David (1847) was our 5th scoring male!

Gabe (dark shirt, right).

Gabe looking strong! The guy behind him... looking drunk.

Amanda (blue and orange) was our first female in 6:44!

Go Amanda!

Mike in our team colors!

Mike again!

Sarah (behind 1470) and Rachael (black tank).

Go Rachael!

Team Capt. Rose!

Julie in her first mile race! (With Rachel on the far left!)

Rachel in her first mile race! (I mentioned warming up with Rachel
and Julia in my race report and sharing miler advice with them.)

I LOVE this "determined" photo of Rachel as she runs off the frame to the finish!

The look to the finish. There's QUITE the crowd support in the final 150 meters!

Again, if you missed it, click here for my race report. It was officially my slowest 1 mile race.


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