Pics from the 'Spirit of White Bear Lake' 5K and 5 Mile

>> Monday, April 15, 2024

I found some photos online of last weekend's Spirit of White Bear Lake 5 mile where I PRed as an old man! (That's the link to my race report, and here's a follow-up post.)

They posted this photo of the lake the afternoon before the race:

Packet pick-up the morning of the race in the boat house!

Getting ready to start! I'm back there
on the line in the middle of the left lane.

Close-up. The guy in the blue tank (red beard) took 1st,
and the guy on the far right was 3rd behind me.


Close-up. I'm right behind 794.

The next pic was this guy winning the 5K in 18:08.

Here's 2nd and 3rd in the 5K in 19:30 and 19:32! Close! (But far from 1st.)

The 1st female was 4th overall in 21:01.

I like this guy's style.

This mom and her kids were sweet pre-race.

Love a dad with a stroller!

The race t-shirts that I didn't pay for weren't that special
(in the yellow), so I didn't feel the need to get one.

For a moment, they had this guy and his friend finishing
in front of me in the 5 mile before they realized they did the 5K.

Another runner who runs "hot." I take off my shirt when it hits 50, but it was still in the 30s!

LEAD BIKER AND THE 5 MILE WINNER! (The guy in the blue.)

These next few photos show how close I was behind him (0:23).
Notice the guy in yellow in the 5K behind the winner...

... as he crossed the line, there was a guy in a black sweatshirt...

... and after that guy ran a bit farther, then I appeared back there!

Me back there passing a 5K finisher.

Awkward stride on me. Oh well.

Such a majestic creature about to hit the finish. Yikes.

Final shot of me running off the edge of the frame trying to find some air.

I passed Anne from our old gym and said "hi" in the last mile as she was doing the 5K!

3rd in the 5 mile over 2 mins behind me.


Lots of runners.

A 47-year-old running sub-6:30s in the 5 mile!

Good solution to running with your number in your pocket!

Kirt G!

A casual stroll across the line (not looking like their having a good time...)

A surge to the finish!

That last guy I got of photo of in my race report and cheered to the finish.

Here's my race report if you missed it, and a follow-up post after the race.


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