Semi-Wordless Wednesday: Budgeting for a Marathon in 1977

>> Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Grandma's Marathon shared this image on Facebook last week. It's their budget for the FIRST Grandma's Marathon in 1977:


And $40 on post-race beer? Sweet.


30 Straight 20-Mile Weeks

>> Monday, March 29, 2021

I noted in mid-January that I just had 20 weeks averaging 20+ miles/week. Well last week I hit 30 straight weeks of 20+ miles/week on average!

That stretch goes back to the very end of August when I first crossed over 20+ miles/week after coming back from my running injury that happened a year before. I had 2 weeks that were just under 20 miles around the virtual TC 10 Mile in early October (the weeks before and after the race), but the rest of the weeks have had 20+ miles. (So I think that means I've had 24 weeks straight of 20+ miles, but my average is 20+ miles/week going back to the end of August.)

I covered 217.21 miles over the last 10 weeks.

And I had covered 410.0 miles over the previous 20 weeks.

So I'm up to 627.21 miles over 30 weeks, which is 20.9 miles/week on average.

That's not much, but it's decent numbers for this 3x/week runner! LET'S KEEP IT GOING!!!


Sweaty Lifting (Brought To You By Your Recent COVID Shot)

>> Saturday, March 27, 2021

I mentioned on Wednesday that I got my "one and done" Johnson & Johnson COVID vaccine on Monday. Early Tuesday morning I couldn't sleep and was super hot. I was feeling better by the time I dropped the boys off at school, and I went to the university where I teach to see if their weight room was quiet enough get in a workout. It was.

My workout was quite normal (as I mentioned in Wednesday's post), but I noticed I was getting a bit sweatier near the end. I think that was the last of my "hot body building up its protections from the virus." Here's a sweaty selfie post-workout:

Pointing to the sweat mark on my shirt.

I did a very similar workout 2 days later, and I worked even FASTER (exactly 5 minutes faster for the same 6 sets of everything), but I didn't have any visible sweat. Truly back to normal.

Oh, and after that workout on Tuesday, my calluses were quite beat-up, and they started tearing off:



I should maybe get weight lifting gloves...


Friday Funny 1903: Funny Animal GIFs

>> Friday, March 26, 2021

The little one must learn at some time. That time was today.

"Keep em coming ma'am... Thanks!"

As always, check out lots more funnies on HAPPY WEEKEND!


Friday Funny 1902: Why Women Live Longer Than Men (Part 2)

Last week, I posted the first part of this post. Here are some more:

That's quite impressive!

Oh no. No no no no no.

Of course there's a bottle of Sriracha in the foreground.

That's why those ledges are there, right?

Again, here's last week's post with more!

Lots more funny things posted on


Friday Funny 1901: Not My Job

Lots more funnies posted all day long on



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