Proud Dad Moment: My Boys Finished Their First 5K!!

>> Saturday, April 29, 2023

My boys have been training for a 5K over the last few months. I posted a little about it a few weeks ago, but that's about all I've said about it - they've put in more work than I've shared here. Earlier this afternoon, I posted this on Facebook and Instagram:

I had a decent 10K this morning, but the story of the day is that my boys ran their first 5K!!! They both did great and said they can’t wait for the next one! I’m so proud of them and the work they put in over the last few weeks. They got to ring the “PR bell” after their finish. Henry: 25:14. Charlie: 31:54.

And here are some of the pics I shared:

Henry heading to the finish!

Go Henry!!

A teammate got a photo of Henry as well, and I was just cut off making a photo on the right.

Charlie wasn't too far behind, and he was smiley and chatty!

Selfie at mile 3!

Charlie taking off to the finish!

He told me after the race that saved too much for the final kick and REALLY sprinted to the finish. You can see the blue finish banner around the corner in that photo above, but also notice the women with the pink shirt around her waist well in front of Charlie in that photo. In this next photo from my teammate right at the finish line, you can see that Charlie has passed the woman in pink:


Ringing the PR bell!

Ring it Charlie!

Sweaty dudes post-race photo!

Here's a quick look at their results. Note some of the numbers near the bottom showing that Henry ran a 8:06 first mile and then ran the last 2.1 miles at 8:08 pace, and that Charlie ran the first mile in 10:16 and ran 10:17 pace for the last 2.1 miles:

These boys can hold a pace!!!!

They are so happy, and I'm so proud of them. Charlie's legs are tired and Henry's lungs are tired, but everyone is doing well post race!

Here's a post about the boys's training from a few weeks back, here are some pre-race 10K thoughts before my race today, and check back on Monday for my 10K race report. It's been a fun day so far! :)


Friday Funny 2234: Fails

>> Friday, April 28, 2023

Lots more funnies on HAPPY WEEKEND!!


Friday Funny 2233: Memes About Cute Couples

Some of you will think these are gross. But some are pretty cute.

More funny things on



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