Team Photos from the MDRA 15K

>> Saturday, August 18, 2018

It’s been 2 weeks since the race, and I’ve been meaning to share photos of my teammates out there. (If you missed it, here was my race report, and here are more photos of me pushing the boys in the stroller for the race.) Some of these photos of me have been seen before in that second link.

Moments after the start.

Dan (76) in the orange, and Jamie in the dark blue on the far right.

Sidenote regarding that last photo: I think that’s Henry’s pre-school’s teacher’s daughter in the light blue tank top. As I was passing people in the first mile, she said “Hi Steve, I’m Ms. Sue’s daughter.” Ms. Sue and I had talked a lot about triathlons and such, and she had said that her daughter follows my blog. I laughed and introduced myself, and we both said we’d heard a lot about the other. Nice to “meet” you out there before mile 1! :)

Me heading far to the outside on the left, with Gloria (190) in the middle.

Me and the boys.

Joan (2nd from left) and Laurie (white hat on right).

Joan (backwards black hat).

Up around mile 3, here’s Jamie as the first from our team to go by!

Topless Kirt, with Dan on his tail.

Dan with Suzie right behind him.
(Suzie was the 2nd to last person I’d catch during the race.)

Jordan (orange on left) and me (3rd from right).

Charlie getting a sip as we ran past.

Jordan on my tail.

First pic of Jennifer at this race!

And the first pic of Tom!

Joan and Laurie together.

Back at the finish, the winner was sub-50
(for a 15K, or 9.33 miles, which is 5:21 pace!).

Non-teammate Rob.

Non-teammate Brian.

Jamie was the first YWCA finisher. I figured he’d be sub-60, but he was about
2 mins slower than I expected. I can EASILY blame the heat and humidity.

Dan was 2nd for our team, but I didn’t find any photos of him at the finish.
Here’s me and the boys awkwardly in 3rd for the YWCA.

Jordan about to finish, with the guy in front of him spitting at the perfect moment!

This is gross. I love it. Sorry if you were out-shined by this spit photo, Jordan.

Nice finish, Jordan!

Teammate Jennifer coming to the finish!

Tracy S and her hubby (Paul) and I chatted pre-race. Nice to see you guys!

Tom finishing!

I don’t know her, but I remarked with my teammates that
she looked SOOO relaxed finishing this hot 15K.

Joan finishing!

Here comes Laurie!

I don’t know this person, but I love her family. Also, is that a
box of donuts on the edge of the frame? It’d better be.

I posted this photo last week with the caption “‘The decline of man’ over a hot 15K.
#ThereGoesTheSmile #MoreHunchedOverInEveryPhoto”

Again, if you missed it, here was my race report and here are more photos of me and the boys at the race.


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