Finish Line Photos from the Raspberry Run 1 Mile

>> Thursday, July 27, 2023

The Raspberry Run 1 Mile was about 10 days ago, and I had a good race! Here are some finish line photos from Tom R (from 3 different Facebook albums: Sub-6:00 finishers, 6-8 min finishers, and 8-15 min finishers).

A 5 mile race that started 1 hour before the 1 mile was wrapping up at the start of the 1 mile. The last mile of the 5 mile race was the 1 mile race course, and that's my only complaint at this race: those running a 12-13 min/mile 5 mile can get run over by sprinting 1 milers. Here you see a zoomed in shot from the finish line of the 1 mile racers all lined up down the road, with random people and some 5 mile racers finishing up in the foreground:

This is cool!

A storm of 1-milers headed your way!

1:18 into the race. I can't see the finish line from too far away, but I can see the
fire truck spraying water (to the left), so I was FIXATED on that during the race.

That poor girl finishing up the 5 mile is about to be swallowed up!

Lead (police) cyclist moving the girl off to the side.

Colin WAY in front of everyone.

The zoom lens compresses space, so that woman casually walking in front of Colin isn't THAT close.

That's a BIG win! 11 seconds (but it looks even bigger!).

Close-up of that last photo: 2 women are REALLY invested in Colin's finish!

Another close-up. I think she's bummed he didn't break 4:00 - he finished in 4:02.

The rest of the pack battling for 2nd.

The 5-miler girl is in the mix here, and it makes me nervous!

The guys in red appear to be having sex.

Whew. The girl made is safely to the finish.

I haven't seen Brooks G in a while! (In the black.)

Casual shorts and a T for 4:39 mile!

I posted my race report last week, and then I had another post with photos of me finishing. Here's one I didn't share yet, and it's the first sign of me coming back there:


See this post for lots of photos of me finishing, but here are just 4 from that post:

Passing Dakotah Lindwurm (my moment in the spotlight!).

A bunch of watch-stoppers.

And now to more finishers behind me:

More watch-stoppers. (And the maroon woman back there making more epic faces.)

Angie W leading a pack of Mill City runners (with a 5:09 at 43 years of age!).

#85 is a former student of mine.

Good ole' Brian D!

Suzie ran her best mile in like 11 years! (We chatted briefly post-race.)

I see this guy with sweet sideburns at many races.

Lots of runners still coming!

Bobby P hitting the line.

Katie (a trainer from my old gym) on the left.

"Tall nice guy Kyle's" mom in the middle - we chatted pre-race.

Lots of kids and runners still coming!

Mark, a teammate of mine!

That's looking like a hard time.

MDRA Sarah!

Go Dad! (And the kid with the final burst of speed!)

Related links:
- My Raspberry Run 1 Mile race report
- More photos of me at the finish line
- Tom's FB photo albums: Sub-6:00 finishers, 6-8 min finishers, and 8-15 min finishers


Tom R,  9:38 AM, July 28, 2023  

Thank for sharing my photos Steve. Fun to watch in person live but pictures after really let us see so much more.

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