Official Photos from "One Last Tri"

>> Monday, October 01, 2018

TriFitnessWBL added a big album of photos on Facebook from "One Last Tri." In the album, they noted that it was one of the hottest One Last Tris they can remember - everyone on race day was comparing it to last year where people lost feeling in their feet by the end because it was so cold! Not this year. (This was 2 weeks ago as the LAST hot weekend before autumn really came in and hit us HARD with some cooler weather.) Anyway, I went through the album and found some that showed the day nicely.

Transition. With LOTS of room as I noted in my race report.

This woman body-marked me (and helped me pump up my disc) and we talked about IM WI.

That blue blob on the far left in the background is me!

Again, barely in this one: I'm bent down next to Katie (green swim cap) admiring her bright spokes.

What did I say in my race report about swimming STRAIGHT into the sun?

Testing the water. Clouds came and went pre-race.

Plotting the course.

Hey that's me! Looking out over the swim course.

Individual time trial starts.

Into the lake.

Here comes the sun again at the end of the Oly starters.

Race director Judi (green) and timer Randy (blue) chatting
with a volunteer between the Oly and Sprint start.

Swimmers coming back.

I had 2 "complaints" for the swim in my race report that were NOT really complaints. First, we started into the bright sun. Annoying, but fine! Second, we all swam a little extra curve to avoid some reeds at the finish. Note everyone coming towards the beach in that last photo, and note the far buoy to the far right that they came around. We all took "the long way" around the reeds. Again, both of these really aren't complaints - the swim (and the water) was great!

Leaving T1. My disc wheel is racked on the FAR left - I had a great spot in transition!

Go gym-buddy Glen!

The first 1/2 mile was narrow coned-off shoulder.

The girl in the background with double thumbs up.

There's a guy back there with pink plaid board shorts that kinda matched my jammers!

I thought this guy was SUPER aero/aggressive just 200 feet into the bike, but then
I realized he was just getting a drink from his straw. Ha!

Maaaaybe not the best thing to do during a race on a tight shoulder.
(Maybe I'm just extra annoyed because I just got hit by a cyclist not paying attention.)

Lots of cyclists coming out of T1.

So I only got passed (well, got passed and STAYED passed) by 1 guy on the ride. Here's the first few photos of the first cyclists coming back, and he's in the lead:

First and 2nd back to T2.

Third. This ended up being the guy I passed early on in the run.

Fourth. POSSIBLY with me way back there as a speck.

And there's me in 5th. With the 2 cyclists that I leap-frogged a few times out there.

This guy was just behind us. He's the one I passed last to move into 5th.
The other 2 cyclists behind me in that last photo stayed on my tail to pass him as well.

Nice fast-looking photo of someone coming back to T2.

#23 is coming to the finish, and the other guy is heading out.

Just a block into the run, with some sprint finishers coming back.

This Mom and I ended up chatting (mostly about potty training) for a bit
in the shade as I stretched post-race. Nice chatting with you!

Go Dave! (Hubby of a pharmacy school friend of my wife's. I photographed his wedding.)

I liked the poster on the left. :)

Smiles coming to the finish.

Race photos on the down-stride are never pretty. This one is particularly good/bad.

Tri Fitness's Vicki chatting with a man who has stolen a lot of medals.

Race director Judi throwing some meat on the grill.

This guy at a "muscle oxygen monitor" tent talked to me post-race. He wondered what kind of oxygen
monitor I had on my leg. It was just my empty GU packet crammed up my shorts from the bike! Ha!

A Mom being a Mom. I love this.

That phone seems like it would chafe there. But sweet shades!

Glen coming to the finish of the Oly!

A family finish!

Judi ready to start awards.

A coy photo of me after getting my medal (1st AG and 4th overall).

Me, my medal, and my sweaty boobs. And my "dad hat."

Someone posted this online. Oops. "3nd" is a bit of a typo.

Here's the big album of photos on Facebook if you're interested, and here's my race report if you missed it. It was a GREAT finish to triathlon season! Thanks Tri Fitness!


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