My Purple Toenails Can Kiss My Ass

>> Tuesday, November 10, 2009

My toes have been fine all spring and summer. I trained for and raced IM NO 70.3 in April, did a bunch of sprint and oly triathlons, raced two 10 mile races, and all was well. But after a simple track workout 2 weeks ago where part of the track was covered in frost (and therefore a little slippery), my toes started to “turn.” Maybe “ripen” is a good word for it.

I’ve learned I beat-up my toenails when running on slippery or uneven surfaces (like packed snow in the winter). So this morning, I thought I’d snap a new photo for you all:

Try not to notice all the toe-hair (if possible)

Yeah. Nasty. And that started from a simple 3x1600 track workout! Stupid toenails.

Oh, and the official results from the Tesfa 5K are now up (see previous post for race report). I was able to out-kick Nicole by 12 seconds:

We’ll see if I can do the same next year. It’s ON, Nicole!!! ;)


Anonymous,  9:41 AM, November 10, 2009  

yeah, and she's older than you, too! you're in trouble.

Missy 11:41 AM, November 10, 2009  

What's up with the spiders on your feet?!

Anonymous,  12:28 PM, November 10, 2009  

I'm not sure I would taunt her, that is one fast chica!!!

NJ 12:29 PM, November 10, 2009  

You have the weird toes where the second one is longer than the big toe. HEHE

Congrats on the win, but I think you will have your work cut out for you next year!

Unknown 12:38 PM, November 10, 2009  

Nothing wrong with a bossy second toe, NJ! I've heard that means all sorts of things...

CoachLiz 1:01 PM, November 10, 2009  

Your poor toes have really taken a beating over the past few seasons. Go ahead, just paint them all black. Or leave one or two polish free. I would love to see you at the local indoor pool like that and to see what people say about your feet then.

Now go shave those toes!

Unknown 2:28 PM, November 10, 2009  

Better watch out for that No Name guy. He races a lot - I see him at all the big races.

Maria 2:33 PM, November 10, 2009  

I totally just lost a toenail the other night and thought of you! My nail had been purple after my half mary in September and then it was fine. Then, BAM! It just fell off!

X-Country2 2:46 PM, November 10, 2009  

Hey, at least they match!

Regina 2:50 PM, November 10, 2009  

wow, your toes are freakishly spaced apart form one another. How unusual...

Anonymous,  3:08 PM, November 10, 2009  

So nasty, they're DELICIOUS.

While you said not to, one has to notice....

While I admit I find them gross(ly beautiful), your going sockless would be like Lon Chaney going topless in The Werewolf (all made up, I mean, by Jack Pierce). Actually, come to think about it, YOUR going topless (as you are wont to, from time to time, don't we know it) would equal Lon at his most heirsute, WITHOUT Jack Pierce.

So if you ever get bored with teaching, there's a job waiting for you, on the midnight CREATURE FEATURE....

Just joking, of course. I like the toe hairs, and the others, too....

I am not alone....

Steph 4:52 PM, November 10, 2009  

Those are the skinniest toes I've ever laid eyes on. GIve those toes a sandwich!

Julie @ ROJ Running 5:17 PM, November 10, 2009  

Wow your toes are like really spaced out. Are you doing that on purpose?

Kristin Bradfield 8:47 PM, November 10, 2009  

Attractive feet, and having all 10 toenails for that matter, is totally overrated :)

Rainmaker 12:57 AM, November 11, 2009  

I think when you win Best Blog again this year, they should send you a pair of toe-nail clippers instead of Sunglasses. :)

Sarah 12:03 PM, November 11, 2009  

I have problems with the same toes, the toe box on my shoe is plenty big, so I've wondered if I lift my toes up when I run and put pressure on them. It hurts like a mother! I've lost the toenails a few times, always when I get up into higher mileage.

it's all about pace 9:28 AM, November 12, 2009  

You are a hobbit... who knew?

sRod 12:04 PM, November 13, 2009  

Why do your toe nails even bother growing back?

Also, that is freakishly long foot hair.

Melissa 12:24 PM, November 16, 2009  

Ok, besides the fact that you have lots of toe hair, I'm taken back by how spaced out your toes are and how long they are. Crazy. Thanks for sharing I think.

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