10 Hours and Counting!

>> Saturday, September 08, 2007

It’s nearly time! Pharmie and I got up and went for a little “get to know you” swim in Lake Monona this morning.

After that, we got our bags and bikes set up in transition.

We went back to our room, and we had some time to kill. So I took care of my final all-over shave. I brought 3 razors to take care of business.

I thought I had gotten better at shaving - I graduated from the wire-wrapped safety razor that I had been using, and I actually used a real, big-girl razor. But, apparently I’m still no good. I cut my knee up pretty bad.

Well, it’s about time for a few hours of sleep. Then it’s off to the races! If you'd like to see how I'm doing tomorrow, you can go to The Ironman Website and find the link for “Ironman Live.” My number is 386. See you at the finish!!


teacherwoman 10:40 PM, September 08, 2007  

Nice job on the shave! You guys look ready to go!

You will do great and I can't wait to read the race report... GOOD LUCK! :)

Tracy 5:08 AM, September 09, 2007  

See you guys out there, Super Smoothe! ooohh... ahhhh....

Unknown 2:43 PM, September 09, 2007  

Good job with the swim! Keep on peddlin' - hopefully you're more aerodynamic with the fresh shave. :)

Trisaratops 3:26 PM, September 09, 2007  

AWESOME job on the swim!!!!

Keep it up out there! :)

Marcy 3:55 PM, September 09, 2007  

Maybe you should ask your wife to shave you. She'd probably do a better job :P


Anonymous,  7:31 PM, September 09, 2007  

You're in the home stretch, hairless boy. I've so enjoyed watching your progress throughout the day.

Unknown 9:10 PM, September 09, 2007  

YOU ARE AN IRONMAN!!! Good job!!!

E-Speed 9:12 PM, September 09, 2007  

congrats Ironman! And what an even marathon run, you did great out there!

Trisaratops 9:56 PM, September 09, 2007  

YOU ARE AN IRONMAN!!!!!!!!!! :)

And a hairless one!!!!

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