Official Photos from the Fall Classic Duathlon (That I Won!)

>> Monday, October 30, 2023

Some pics are in from the Fall Classic Duathlon a few weeks back! Here's the full album on Facebook, but below are a bunch of photos that tell the story of the day:

Packet pick-up.

Race director Judi with the guys from Now Bikes (who helped me inflate my race wheels).

This guy was a UNIT, and I loved his "Strong AND Pretty" shirt.

Pre-race meeting kicking off, with me on the far left still contemplating cool-weather attire.

Pre-race meeting.

My butt walking over to the meeting.

The "reverse duathlon" getting ready to start: bike 14 miles, run 2.5, bike 14.

The reverse du is underway!

The rest of us lined up a block away and waited for the start of the "regular" duathlon. After a few minutes, we were underway:

Ready, set, go!!


A second later.

Close-up. I was worried about the 2 guys on either side of me at this point.

Now a bunch of wide shots running up to the photographer.

I took the lead right about here, and I never let it go!

We looped through a parking lot and came back through the start line area after about a half-mile. At that point, I was pulling away from the pack:

Me in the lead, with 2nd-6th on the far left.

A sly grin for the photographer. I didn't know if I could hold off these guys on the bike.

2nd at the moment was the young relay runner from Mankato that I talked to post-race!

Freddy from Costa Rica (in the red) ended up in 2nd by the finish.

Looping past the photographer again around the 0.8 mile mark.

The former CC runner had taken 2nd by this point. (His first multisport race.)

The relay kid in 3rd overall. (Ended up being the first relay.)

Chatted with the guy in blue post-race.

Love the look!

Heading back to T1 (the photographer missed me - I was already there).

First bike out of T1! Wondering how long I could hold on.

Smiling at my new cheerleader friend!

Another great pose heading towards T1.

My new friend Phablo heading out.

The Costa Rican family cheering for their son/spouse!

Cheering for runners coming back to T1.

I don't think it was THAT chilly!

My cheerleader (Amanda, I think?) cheering everyone on!


Randy! Thanks for timing the event!

As I wrote about in my race report, I came back to T2 STILL holding onto the lead, and felt like I had the race wrapped up. But I still ran hard (easing up a bit around 2 miles into that run) and then came to the finish line over a mile ahead of the rest of the athletes:

Coming down the straight-away to the finish!

Flying. Feeling good!

Whoa! Awkward finishing face!...

... let's zoom in on that! :)

Soaking up the win with the Costa Rican family cheering back there with the flag!

The real hero: the grill master coming through with ketchup and mustard.

Freddy from Costa Rica coming around the corner about 7 mins after me.

... and there's 3rd right behind him!

Cheers from mom!

Race director

The former college CC runner who was on my tail heading into T1.

Regular du athletes on the left, and a "reverse" du athlete coming out of transition
right to the finish! They'd finish the final bike, rack it, and run out to the finish.

My new friend hitting the line.

BIG cheers for an athlete!!...

... and here he comes past her!

There were lots of funny sprints that were barefoot or in bike shoes for the "reverse" du finish!

A beautiful stride in bike shoes!

Coming across the grass as a "reverse" du athlete!...

... and he blew past that woman in red!

Me on the far right chatting with families and cheering home athletes.

More "reverse" du finishers!

"Strong and Pretty" made it!

The kid from Mankato I talked to post-race.

A pep in her step!

Again, if you missed it, here's my race report, and here are a few final race thoughts.



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All content and original images copyright 2006 - 2025 by Steve Stenzel, AKA "Steve in a Speedo." All Rights Reserved.
Want to use something seen here? Just ask - I don't bite.