Fantastic Opening at My Solo Exhibition!

>> Monday, February 28, 2022

Thursday night was amazing. It was about all I could have hoped for. Here's what I posted the next morning:

And here are bigger versions of those photos (you can click them for an even bigger version):

Shortly after my talk, with my wife on the far left.

A photo my wife took during my artist's talk.

After the reception was over, we snapped a family pic!

Some tasty treats at Cafe Latte afterwards.

In case you're wondering, here's the other photo I took at the opening that my former student Brie ruined:

Gorgeous. ;)

I haven't posted anything since just before the opening on my photography blog, but rest assured I have more photos I will be sharing there. So check it out!

Back with more training news (you know... the things you'd expect to find here) in the next day or 2.


Another Bigger Bike Week

>> Saturday, February 26, 2022

The week of Valentine's Day (the week before last) was a solid week on the bike:

It had some normal strength time (just under 9 hours which has been pretty standard lately), 22.4 miles of running (again, pretty average over the last 4 months), my first "normal" long since the fat bike race 3 weeks ago at 11.1 miles (with the middle 6 in 37:18, or averaging 6:13/mile), but then some SOLID trainer time!

The workouts weren't that hard, but they were longer. Here's what I did on my bike:

- Tuesday was 4x10 min efforts with 5 min easy spinning between.

- Thursday was pretty easy with just two 5 min efforts to break things up.

- Saturday was ALSO 4x10 min efforts with 5 min easy spinning between. I wore my Garmin for that one, so here was my heartrate for that workout:

With a total of 4 hours and 38 mins of trainer time, it was just behind the week that was 2 weeks earlier which was around 4:45 of total saddle time. With these big weeks stacking up, there's a chance that I could beat last months PR for trainer time!! (Well, technically, IF I beat that, it will also be with 2 fat bike rides added in at the start of the month, so not ALL trainer time.)


Friday Funny 2048: Funny Animals

>> Friday, February 25, 2022

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Friday Funny 2047: That Takes Me Back...

My sister and I had a lot of these.

The BEST ice!!

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All content and original images copyright 2006 - 2025 by Steve Stenzel, AKA "Steve in a Speedo." All Rights Reserved.
Want to use something seen here? Just ask - I don't bite.