Friday Funny 1487: Instagram 20 Years Ago

>> Friday, August 31, 2018

Lots more funnies posted all day long on HAPPY WEEKEND!!


Friday Funny 1486: Office Humor

Just some work-related jokes:

Regarding our photo printer in my classroom: I tell my students this ALLLL the time.

More funny things posted on


Friday Funny 1485: Drinking Humor

I start teaching for the fall semester next week. A few of my students may have scenes like this in the near future:

Lots more funny stuff posted all day long on


Official Photos from Maple Grove Tri

>> Wednesday, August 29, 2018

I saw Paul Phillips from Competitive Image shooting photos this past weekend at the race, and now Maple Grove Tri just put up an album of his images on Facebook. Here are a few that show the race nicely:

Oly start before 7:00.

Sprint waves turning at the 2nd big buoy for our 1/2 mile swim.

That last photo could have also been the lead swimmers in the Oly. They took a wrong turn (turned at at the 2nd big buoy instead of the 3rd in the distance), and a boat caught them and turned them all back around. Leah and I were watching it unfold from the shore as we waited to start the sprint an hour later.

Waves lining up on shore.

The quick, steep little climb out of T1. (Transition is just back around that corner in the distance.)

Lots of just small hills on the bike.

Oly runner (#11) coming out on T2 ready to do a loop around the lake,
with sprint racers coming to the finish behind him.

I remarked to Leah once that “oh, there are princesses here!”

In my race report, I noted a nasty climb out of T2. That ended back along those trees
in the distance, then we looped around a park. At this point, we were finally “settling in.”

The run was a nice loop through a s suburb.

A few large spectating groups at homes along the course. #DayDrinking

Nearing the park again!

This might be that final hill I mentioned in my race report.

If you missed it, check out my race report here.



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All content and original images copyright 2006 - 2025 by Steve Stenzel, AKA "Steve in a Speedo." All Rights Reserved.
Want to use something seen here? Just ask - I don't bite.