Part 2 of the Falls Duathlon Race Report

>> Wednesday, May 03, 2017

In the first part of my race report, I left off just after I had finished (with my hands on my knees looking like I'd barf). I walked through the chute, and speedy Kevin O'Connor was talking to someone who had just finished: "Well, at least you didn't let THIS guy beat you" he says as he smiles and motions towards me. "If that happened, it'd be all over." The guy smiles because he was the last person I caught, and I beat him by 5 seconds. He told that to Kevin, and Kevin added "Oh shit! That's it. Time to throw in the towel. You're done." Ha!

First of all, here’s another nice photo that Jon got on his phone of me getting ready to dismount off the bike:

(This was on Jon’s phone - I didn’t have it when I posted my race report.)

I yelled at brother-in-law Jon who was the photographer for the day that my wife was dismounting and coming into T2. This was JUST after I finished:

Go Pharmie!

Jon's wife (and my wife's sister) coming in a few minutes later.

As Jon was taking pictures of his wife, our 3rd sister-in-law came into T2! Go Steph and Annie!

Steph running out, with that guy checking her out.

Annie's hubby Matt finishing the race with a noble stride! (This very nice photo
makes up for the awkward one of him dismounting as seen in my first race report.)

I took the camera from Jon to snap that photo of Matt, and then I went out on a cool down back along the race course. We figured my wife wasn't too far back. Sure enough, I spotted her 2 minutes later:

Winding trail through the trees after going under that bridge back there.
This final run is pretty. (I've noted that it would be much prettier in a month.)

Working up a little hill.

Jon's photo of my wife coming to the finish!

Breana, one of my wife's college roommate's sisters.

Breana (in the middle) once she'd crossed the little bridge with about a 1/2 mile left.

Steph with a smile! Note: on the way out, we climb a hill to the left
of those 2 high-school girls in the background that takes us up to the top
of the hill you can see behind them. That's the only real hill out there.

Steph running through the tiny rolling hills along the Cannon River.

Just 60 seconds left to the finish.
(I moved out of the way so that guy could pass Steph. Sorry Steph!)

Sisters after the finish!

Third sister Annie showing this old guy who's the f*ckin' boss!

Forcing a smile and wave for her family. :)

Annie across the line! Congrats everyone!

Steph's friend Megan coming to the finish!

Proof I don't litter: my nasty used GU wrapper from the bike shoved up
my shorts post-race. Jon said it looked like baby barf. Tasted a bit better. A BIT.

We checked the results, and FOUR OF THE FIVE OF US HAD PLACED IN OUR AGE GROUP! (Sorry Matt.) We stuck around for drawings (my wife won some anti-fogging goggle solution), and then we were called up for awards:




Me and Mark having a moment. Mark said some very nice things about
seeing our family back at the races over the mic. Thanks Mark!

Sisters and their medals!

Our 4 medals! (I had Instagrammed this post race.)

Our gang of 5 post-race.

I forgot to share this before: Jon and Steph pre-race. Thanks for the photos, Jon!!

For our records, here were the splits and results of the 4 family members I raced with (2 mile run, T1, 14 mile bike, T2, 3 mile run = total):

Matt: 15:36, 1:46, 47:37 (17.6 mph), 1:54, 25:47 = 1:32:38, 68 overall, 6/9 in 25-29 AG.
Pharmie: 16:52, 1:07, 52:18 (16.1 mph), 1:11, 25:20 = 1:36:46, 84 overall, 3/14 in 35-39 AG.
Steph: 18:03, 1:22, 56:40 (14.8 mph), 1:38, 27:18 = 1:45:00, 116 overall, 1/4 athenas.
Annie: 19:55, 2:26, 54:59 (15.3 mph), 1:40, 31:32 = 1:50:31, 136 overall, 3/4 athenas.

Pharmie and I had a nice (quiet, childless) drive home, and then we got the boys from the neighbors. They had a good time spending the night, but Charlie hurt his elbow, was tired, and was ready to go home. We got home and I showered right away because I STILL hadn't dealt with the gel disaster in my pants:

I lost some leg hair moments after I snapped this photo.

Well, everything seems to be holding up just fine post race. I’m excited to race again shortly - I’ve missed it! Again, if you missed it, CLICK HERE for the first part of my Falls Duathlon race report.


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