Finish Line Photos from the Rainy 'Get in Gear' 10K

>> Wednesday, May 04, 2022

I had a few of Tom’s photos in my damp “Get in Gear” 10K race report, but here are more I want to share from his big Facebook album:

Daniel Docherty coming in with the 30:39 win! (That’s 4:56 pace for a 10K!)

Chilly and rainy.

Bati in 2nd just 13 seconds back.

This guy was just a few seconds back in 3rd, but his body type
looks more like a 44 min 10Ker. Unassuming! I’m impressed!

The top 3 suffering.

Docherty in the distance running back along the course and cheering people on.
(I noted in my race report that I met him with a 1/2 mile to go.)

269 looks like a more muscly triathlete, not a 32 min 10Ker!
(I'm learning a lesson about judging bodies here.)

DAMPNESS. 202 was not having fun.

Doran C first in our AG in 34:39. (3rd in our 10-year AG.)

Heather K as first female (who slowly passed me in the first
1/2 mile and who I stayed behind for about another mile).

That beard had to be WET and HEAVY.

This woman was hanging with Heather when they went past. She finished 2nd by 0:50.

OK, funny story time. The 10K race was Saturday. Sunday morning we went to church and stayed for a brief "town hall" meeting afterwards where Father R.J. asked someone named Matt to take notes - Matt seemed to be in his mid-50s and was skinny and fit, but I thought nothing of it. Right after church on Sunday is when I started looking through Tom's photos, and I had to look up this next guy's name. "Sarah, what was the guy's name who took notes after church?" (I knew it was Matt but I wanted her to confirm it.) She said "Matt... why?" I flipped my computer screen around and said "because this is him, and he turned in a 10K that was 70 seconds faster than me!"

#1241: Matt from my church. :)

Look in the background: you can't see me, but I was working my way past the guy
in the orange top. (The final person of the 4 I passed in the last half - NOT GOOD.)

Here's the full photo (and all the rain falling)...

... and here's the cropped in version showing my arm passing the guy in orange.

This guy passed me with about 1-2 miles to go.

And I was chasing her for about those same last 1-2 miles... couldn't get her!

Me suffering to the finish. I did NOT think I'd be able to hold off the guy in orange.

Close-up. Hurting.

As I mentioned in my race report, after I looked at the results, I realized I had a former student racing near me, and our splits confirmed that she was in the group of 3 that I passed just after the 5K mark. (Her 5K time was 3 sec faster than mine, but then I beat her by 9 sec, and in the last half I only passed a group of 3 and then the guy before the finish.) But I had no idea it was her at the time! You can see her around the bend in that last wide photo with me in it, but here she is finishing:

Congrats on your top-10, Helen!

Still very wet and rainy. (Notice the drops hittin the puddles.)

Lots of wet fabric on this guy.

Suzie F coming back there!

Nice job Suzie!

Diane H, another multi-sport buddy!

Bobby P and Charlie R: 2 quality humans! (And 1st and 2nd in the 60-69 AG!)

My next YWCA teammate! Go Dan! (I didn't wear
my jersey as it would just be more cloth to stick to me.)

Dang, I can't imagine running a 10K in a bag.

Super entertainingly awkward final sprint! With Paul P back there taking photos.

Former trainer at our Y: Katie S.

My BFFFN's wife Thea!

Tim, another YWCA teammate!

Tom R who posted this album of photos. Thanks Tom!

Our team's Santa: Michael M!

Go Mike! (I was running back on the bridge when he went by to lots of cheers from me!)

Go Kirt!

Another Dan from my team! (Who you might remember from the 2019 USATF MN Masters Track Meet).

More plastic bag runners.

It was breezy out there at times - I would have HATED this!

Still wet lens, but look at the puddles: the rain suddenly stopped!

She looks unimpressed.

This was my "windbreaker around the waist"
look that I had going for 2 miles before I pitched it off.

Lots of layers!


Gloria J!

More dampness.

Bags and windbreakers.

Hand-in-hand (and with a trash bag).

Lots of stuff for this chilly and damp race.

Teammate Siri!

One final guy who looks unassuming but came in 4th in the half marathon in 1:17!

Again, here's my “Get in Gear” 10K race report if you missed it, and here's Tom's Facebook album with lots of photos from this race if you want to look through it.


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