Race Photos from the MDRA 15K

>> Wednesday, August 08, 2018

This is like a super mini version of my race report of the USATF MN 15K Championship from a few days ago. Here are 15 photos from race buddy Tom that show the boys and I racing out there, and it sort of shows my “decline” in form while pushing the stroller during a hot and steamy 15K:

A few hundred people starting.

At this point, I’d realized I started WAY too far back, and I was running on the outside to pass when I could!

Close up of that last photo. Henry’s got the portable DVD player ready to go: Looney Tunes for 9.33 miles.

After that, the photographer walked up the big hill to be at mile 3.5 of the race course - this was about a mile after the end of the long slow climb. Here’s a pack of runners coming who I would mostly (if not completely) pass before the end of the race:

The 2 guys in white jerseys and Eric P in the red are people I caught for sure.

Me and the boys just right-of-center, and teammate Jordan in the orange back there.
He passed me up the hill, and then I passed him back a few minutes later.

Not looking too bad here!

Seeing the camera and giving a slight smile! I was hot - the shirt came off 90 seconds after this.

Charlie getting a sip.

A photo from later in the race showing the leader coming back...

... Here’s the quick little turns we made here to cross the road and run past all the parked cars.

So then the photographer walked back down the hill (which was the road that we crossed in the photos above) to get to the finish. We still had to run out another mile or so, and head up one more little hill...

Turn-around photo from a teammate of Joan. That was a BIT of a
sharp/fast u-turn with the boys in the stroller! They squealed a little!

... Then we got to turn around and come back to the finish, which was mostly downhill. I was surprised I was still catching people in the last half-mile and that only 1 person caught me start-to-finish. Here I am with the boys coming around the final turns:


Wide elbows for speeeeeed!

You can see a bit of the boys in this one. And sweat dripping
from my face. And Eric P back there who was the last person I passed.

The “Molar Milers” runner who I stayed with down the hill around mile 7 when I
eased up and tried not to die. And Suzie who wanted a ride over the last 1/2 mile.

Perfectly timed spit photo!

Looking backwards down the course a bit farther. Just lots of little turns in the final 1 mile or so.

Just a bit farther backwards down the race course was the final little hill where we climbed up from Crosby Lake. Ouch.

Back with a few more race photos with my team soon! (I’ll probably post those this weekend.) And here was my full race report if you missed it - I snapped a lot of photos along the way.


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