The Human race was a pretty good-sized race (500 5K runners and nearly 800 8K runners). Here’s a photo of the 5K runners leading up to the turn-around, and you can see runners coming for QUITE a while:
Funny side story: I met Tom a few years ago at one of Gary’s
Charities Challenge races. Since then, we see each other now and then at different local races. Well, a few days after the Human Race 5K, Tom tagged me in a couple of photos on Facebook. He had a lot of photos of me finishing, but I had no idea he was out there! I felt horrible for not seeing him! I wrote on his wall, and he wrote this back:
Hi Steve! I'm embarrassed I didn't recognize you running past me in second place, me and my near-sightedness. I'm glad I helped capture your great PR! It was fun to read your blog! I don't know how you do everything so well! haha!
Whew! Glad I wasn’t the ONLY blind one out there! ;) Thanks Tom!
Below are some of Tom’s photos. Here’s what it looks like to be totally owned by a high-schooler:

Kid running a 15:40 5K, followed by me (in black) and third (in red)
If you remember from my
race report, Pharmie showed up to snap some photos near the finish. You can see both her and I off in the distance of this photo:
Awkwardly running to the finish:
That great “I’m-gonna-barf” feeling across the finish line:
(I didn’t feel like I’d ACTUALLY barf, but I WAS in pain.)
It’s never a flattering photo, but I always put my hands on my hips like this as I’m trying to catch my breath:
Tom also got a photo of Jenny Evans coming to the finish:
(If you’ll remember, she’s the one from
Thursday’s post who did the
podcast on my eating habits.)
Thanks for all the great photos Tom!! Tom went on to run the 8K in 31:12. Nice work!
I found one more photo of myself on the official race website. Here’s a SUPER AWKWARD photo of me just after crossing the finish line:

And they had a photo of Molly coming to the line with a 5K PR too!
In other news, yesterday I hauled truckload after truckload of branches out of our backyard to the compost site. Then, when Pharmie got home, we hung the hammock that we bought over a year ago in Cozumel. So our little backyard was made a lot cuter yesterday:

Pharmie with Ella and Kermit
Have a great weekend, everyone! I’m off for a tempo run...
I think we need to see a pic of you puking after a race. Has it ever happened?
Also, try putting your hands on top of your head instead of your hips. Looks a lot less awkward and opens your chest up to take deeper breaths.
(And I'm serious about the puke shot.)
I'll try the head, Robby!
And, as far as I can remember, I've only puked twice from running: once in HS and once during my Marathon DNF. When I push really hard, I don't have that puke feeling that some people get when they push. I just can't breathe.
LOL about RobbyB's suggestion of a pic of you puking at the finish line. nice.
Nice job on the 5K, dude!
On that awkward photo of you just crossing the finish line, all I can think is..."Put your left foot in, put your left foot out. Put your left foot in and you shake it all about..."
I pushed over a volunteer once when I was about to puke on her head while she tried to wrestle my chip off! Nice picture, you're doing the pregnant girl walk.
Great pics Steve. I think it looks like you are grabbing a big old breath in that "awkward" one.
Should be a nice spring/summer to enjoy that hammock.
I love the pics!
I've bookmarked this blog post.
I will visit always here.
Keep it up!
kind regards,
billabong shirts
is your cat on a leash?
Ummm... yeah. We leash our cats in out backyard. They'd be killed so quickly if we just let them go. But they LOVE to run around the backyard tethered to a cinder block... ;)
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