I hadn’t downloaded my Garmin data for the last month until recently. Here’s my route around Lake Ripley for the Watercade 4 Miler last month:

Truly, a lap around the lake. We were camping by the dot across the lake.
Here’s my Garmin pace data:
A pretty basic race: hard start (although I don’t believe that I was at sub-5 pace for a minute), a little dip in speed at the only hills around mile 1, a little dip just after mile 2 through a water stop, a brief spike in speed just after that on a short downhill, and then pretty even to the finish (s-l-o-w-l-y getting faster).
And here’s my overall map from my race the week after at
the Heart of the Lakes Triathlon:

“Multisport” maps are always funny: they show all 5 segments piled up on top of each other.
There was nothing too interesting or dramatic about my swim or bike paces. But my run was fun to see. Being I started the run “at pace” (not from a dead stop like at the start of a running race), my pace graph wasn’t showing it as slow as 12:00 pace (like my Watercade graph above is showing). My “slow” pace on the graph at the triathlon was 6:45:
Rounding over a hill around mile 0.5 followed by a downhill, then a slightly steeper uphill to the turn-around followed by trying to run hard downhill after the turn-around, climbing a hill again before mile 2, and then TRYING to have a fast finish. But Kym warned me about the final block-long hill just before the finish, and you see that appear in my pace just before mile 2.5. Ouch. (I mean, it hurt... but the good thing is that BIG looking slowdown before the finish is only “slowing” to 6:12 pace. And then building back to 5:15 pace at the finish.)
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