TC 10 Mile Photos from Mile 3

>> Monday, November 06, 2017

Race buddy Evan has many albums of photos on Flickr. Today, I want to share a few photos from the TC 10 Mile and TC Marathon. I went through his album of 1,100+ photos from mile 3 of the 10 Mile, and here are some I want to share.

First of all, in my race report from the start of the race, I said the "sun was just starting to shine orange light on the thin clouds, and the wet roads were reflecting all the warm light." Here's Evan's WARM photo of the lead females (sent out early as part of the US 10 Mile Championship) as they ran past:

Warm light!...

... Then a rainbow!...

... Then some dark, cold, wet rain as the lead men come through.
That wall of rain hit my group hard around mile 2, and then later around mile 4.

US Championship lead pack of men.

Some guys MUCH faster than me. That's Doron 2nd from the right: 56:xx finish time.

Meghan Roth, 2nd female. Fellow relay runner from the 2013 Square Lake long course tri.

Looking through these photos a few days ago, the women on the left looked
familiar. Then it hit me - she was in a selfie I took at last weekend's half marathon...

Pic from last week's MPLS Halloween Half Marathon race report.

At the Minneapolis Halloween Half, she passed me just before the 1st mile marker, and then turned around at the 10K mark. She won the 10K outright. At the TC 10 Mile, she was the 5th female and finished 8 seconds in front of me!

Kari and Nathan (hidden in red) who I chatted with and passed around mile 8.

Me! (With a nasty heel strike. Oops.)

Checking my mile 3 split.

Running off (as it's about to start raining again).

This little kid ran a 1:14!

The tall guy on the left is Jared who I stroller raced at Lake Johanna.

Tri-buddies Ann and Jen in here! (Red and blue.)

Lots of runners.

LOTS of runners. It was hard looking for my family.

But I spotted bro-in-law Matt on the far right!

Matt left-of-center (sunglasses on head).

More Matt. He was already having a bit of a rough race.

The rain started. Again. Note the drops above the runners.

This guy was making sure he looked good...

... Nice. For the ladies.

Again, hard to spot family in crowds like this!

This guy was really proud of his wide corner.

I thought I spotted sis-in-law Annie in here...

Close up. She wore a wide headband like this and capris (top and bottom arrow),
but on closer inspection, I noticed a bare shoulder with black tank/sports bra
(middle arrow). Annie was wearing pink sleeves. Not her. Dang.

My late college buddy's widow Nora.
(Remember the 24 hour relay I hosted to raise some money for her and Ralphie?)

2 hour pacer Don.

"I'm just here for the BEER!" Nice.

Well, I couldn't find any more of my family in Evan's photos. I only found me and Matt, and I missed the other Matt (AKA "New Matt"), Angela, Steph, Annie, and Mike. Sorry guys!

See all of Evan's TC 10 Mile photos here.

And here are just a few of Evan's TC Marathon photos from around mile 19. He took less photos here (under 1,000) and they only go through about 4 hour pace:

Fellow SAHD who ran a 3:05! Congrats Brian!

This dude ran a 3:19 marathon in a suit!

A former trainer from my Y who ran a 3:30.

This soaking wet Yoshi rocked it.

See more in Evan's TC 10 Mile album and Evan's TC Marathon album. And here's my TC 10 Mile race report if you missed it.


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