Henry's First Interval Workout!

>> Monday, July 31, 2023

I hit the track WITH HENRY last week for intervals! He wants to get faster for soccer, so he came with me, put on his cleats, and did some sprints on the football field:


Poop on the track. We avoided this.

Henry doing 12x100 yard sprints while I ran on the track!

I know, I know... 100 yard sprints is still quite long for soccer speed. But Henry has lots of endurance, so this was still a short/hard workout for him. We can shorten the length of these in the future, but it was a good workout for him! He was shooting for 10, but then felt like he had a little more, so he added in 2 more "all out." He had a watch going, but I told him he should mainly use it to focus on his rest time (which was 90 sec). In the end, he said his intervals were 15-25 secs. (I'm not sure what to think about FIFTEEN, but I didn't question him.)

While he was there, I did the 4x800 then 4x400 workout I did up by Lake Superior about 2 months ago (with 2:00 rest between the 800s, and 90 sec rest between the 400s). That time, I did it on a trail without a track (with my Garmin taking 1/4 mile and 1/2 mile splits for me), but this time I was on a track. When I was done, my workout looked like this:

Close-up of getting water and walking between intervals.

Here's what I did:

1:18.9 + 1:18.8 = 2:37.7
1:17.0 + 1:17.7 = 2:34.7
1:16.3 + 1:17.1 = 2:33.4
1:19.0 + 1:17.5 = 2:36.5 (dying on this one!)


800 ave: 2:35.56
400 ave: 1:14.05

That was about 0.7 sec slower/800, and about 0.5 sec slower/400 than when I did it in early June. It's harder to run FAST when you don't have a specific race in mind! I did these 800s and 400s and 200s on the track in June and July to be ready for the Raspberry Run 1 Mile, but I find it really hard to push with no race on the horizon.

Pooped at 3 in the afternoon after intervals followed by day camp. :)


SWEATY Bike Ride

>> Saturday, July 29, 2023

We've had a hot week here in MN. Thursday was our hottest day, with temps near 100 and a lot of humidity. (And it's true what they say: "it's not the heat, it's the humidity!") I got out for a ride, and I was DRENCHED pretty quickly.

My hands were so sweaty that I nearly slipped off my aero bars a few times. And I had sweat dripping into my glasses all throughout the ride. I didn't do anything too hard, but I just had a nice, moderate 30+ mile ride. I started down the Greenway Trail and back, and then did my "River Road / Shepard Road" loop:

Out-and-back to the west, and then that little loop counter-clockwise.

GROSS selfie as soon as I got into the house.
Sweaty, bug-covered, and sunscren in my stubble.

Between that ride and the workouts over the previous 2 days, I'd earned 4 more Garmin "badges:"

This ride got me the 200K and climbing badges, and biking to-and-from
swimming a few days before got me the swimming and 400K badges.

I ran intervals the next day, so I was happy I didn't go TOO hard. More on the intervals in my next post. Happy weekend!!


Friday Funny 2272: Relationship Funnies

>> Friday, July 28, 2023

Lots more funny things posted all day long on SportsAndLaughs.tumblr.com.


Friday Funny 2271: Fashion Funnies



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