Hey Baby... Wanna See My Pelvis? It's Crooked.

>> Wednesday, June 29, 2016

So a bit of an update from my P.T. visit on Monday: the right half of my pelvis is tilted, and that could be adding to my issues.

She was bummed to hear that the last week of stretching for 2.5 minutes 10x each day was no longer helping. My lower leg is still sore (from some pain that's referred from my lower back), and my back is sore like it's been since 2013. Sure, I probably still have a disc issue, but something else has to be going on too. We went back to the drawing board. She had me do different stretches/movements to test things. She poked and prodded me.

She noticed one side of my pelvis was a bit higher, and that it was tilted too (to the front or back - I forget). She said it was subtle, but definitely there. I asked if this would either cause or be caused by 1 leg being longer than the other (because every chiropractor I've seen in the last few years has noted that). She said that 1 leg appearing to be longer would be a result of this issue.

So she gave me a quick new thing to do 5x a day. It's something that works the hip flexor and will help get my pelvis back down to where it should be, but I need to do it often because it will just want to shift back to what it's known for the last few years. The move looks like this:

On my back, working on my "off kilter" side:
my hands form a "wall" as I drive my knee upwards towards them.

And after doing a round of those (5x5 sec), I sit up and do 30 sec of adductor and abductor isometric moves to help "lock" things in place. At least that's my understanding of it.

So, we'll try this too. Back to P.T. next week - we'll see if these new moves can help by then.


A Big Weekend: Games, a Short Flight, and a Tiny Ass

>> Monday, June 27, 2016

We've had some full weekends lately. Two weekends ago, we were camping in WI for 3 days. And this past weekend, I took the boys "back home" for a few fun things.

First was my wife's hometown celebration called "Friendship Day:"

Henry's first pedal pull. He was clearly last in his age group. But he had fun!

Putt-putt with my Mother-in-Law. (Also: note this 4 second video I posted on Instagram.)

Skee Ball. Henry made a haul of crappy $0.10 prizes.

Having a snack under the tent with my Mom.

Running into Grandpa's corn on a windy afternoon.

The next morning, the local airport with its short grass runway had its "Fly In Breakfast" where they serve all kinds of tasty breakfast food and give airplane rides. I'd only been up in a small plane like that once before. So Henry and I decided to go for a ride:

Welcome to a small town: where your pilot is also your insurance guy. Thanks for the ride, Mark!

Selfie in the backseat as we taxied to the end of the runway.

Watching another plane land as we waited to take off.

Taking off over the airport!

My hometown of about 2400.

Southern MN countryside.

Our pilot started to text and fly! Just kidding - he was getting his camera phone ready
for the other rider in the front seat so he could snap some photos of his place from above.

My parents home.

"The farm" where I grew up. I built soooo many forts in that grove!

After our flight, we got packed up and swung out to see my in-laws again. There was a horse show going on at the "Farming of Yesteryear" site, and my in-laws are a big part of that.

Henry feeding a team of horses with my Mother-in-Law.
(We learned that Charlie is afraid of horses.)

Henry scratching his tiny ass.

My saw is bigger than your saw.

On a big engine with their buddy Alex.

Both boys climbed on this tractor for 15 minutes.

Saying goodbye to the tiny donkey.

The boys slept well for the 2 hour ride back home. They were pooped. (So was Daddy.)

Well, back to PT this afternoon. As I posted yesterday, I really feel like things have stalled, so I'll report back with any new news from her. Have a good week!


Not Too Much to Report on the Injury Front...

>> Sunday, June 26, 2016

Well, that title about sums it up.

I'm doing my exercises nearly every hour as I noted in this post from a few weeks back. I'm doing them a little different now with an awkward side-bend. But it doesn't seem to be doing much anymore. Those stretches seemed to help a fair amount at first, but they've totally plateaued.

I still have pain in my lower leg. If I hadn't had that MRI that ruled out leg issues, I'd swear there was something wrong with a tendon or some soft tissue around my shin.

I still feel like I'm a month or 2 from running, and it's already been 3 months since I've put on my running shoes. I'll get there, but I'm starting to run (pun intended) out of patience.

The good news is that as I was wrapping up an upper body workout at the gym two days ago, one of the trainers saw me and said "you're lookin' beefy, Steve!" Sweet. "Beefcake Stenzel" is what they never call me.


Friday Funny 1117: Eating

>> Friday, June 24, 2016

This hits a little close to home:

My wife eats most anything out of a bowl. She's crazy.

Lots more funny things posted all day long on steveinaspeedo.tumblr.com.


Friday Funny 1116: The Internet Names Animals

A recent trending hashtag was #TheInternetNamesAnimals. And this is what they named:

More funny stuff on steveinaspeedo.tumblr.com.


Friday Funny 1115: Dogs

The Oatmeal has some very true things to say about dogs:

Lots more funny stuff on steveinaspeedo.tumblr.com.


Father's Day Camping

>> Wednesday, June 22, 2016

I spent 3 days camping with my in-laws in WI this past weekend. Here are a few pics:

I napped for most of the 2+ hour drive as Charlie drove.

Henry helping with the poles.

Pounding in the stakes. Very. Slowly.

My hot bikini-clad wife in the pool with Charlie at the campgrounds.

Kiddie table lunch.

Looking for frogs!

Did I mention how much I love camping with my in-laws?

My in-laws and their 5 grandkids.

The whole gang.

Henry smeared some of his s'more on the picnic table,
and then he proceeded to slurp it up. #ThatsMyBoy

Charlie giving Baby Will goodnight kisses.

A peaceful start to day 2.

Everyone went canoeing down the Kickapoo River for 7 hours on our 2nd day there. Since Charlie's life is still dictated around his nap times (seriously, if he gets too tired, he'll start asking for "taggie, nuk, stories, milk!"), I stayed back with him as the other's canoed.

From Instagram: Charlie with the world's largest pennyfarthing bike.

I got Charlie to nap in my in-law's trailer by laying with him.
(I'm only pretending to be sleeping as I snapped this selfie. Duh.)

Meanwhile, my wife enjoyed this view on the Kickapoo.
That's her youngest cousin in the front of the canoe, with Henry in the middle.

Henry found some mud. SOME.

After everyone got back that evening, we celebrated Brianna's birthday with cupcakes!

Having more fun in the pool before bed.

Another campfire to end the day.

The day after we got back from camping, the boys and I hit the road for a quick trip down to Red Wing to deliver some artwork for an upcoming event that I was asked to be a part of. Click here for a quick post on my Photo Blog to see a few photos from that and to learn more about this July event.



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All content and original images copyright 2006 - 2025 by Steve Stenzel, AKA "Steve in a Speedo." All Rights Reserved.
Want to use something seen here? Just ask - I don't bite.