Final Tri-U-Mah Indoor Triathlon Thoughts

>> Saturday, February 24, 2024

Earlier this month, I swam and ran on 2 different relay teams at the U of M's indoor triathlon called Tri-U-Mah (and here's a post with results).

I didn't have big swim goals as it had probably been over a decade since I'd done a 30 minute "time trial"-like swim. So I was just more curious of my swim distance, not as focused on a specific goal.

One thing that was interesting was that my 30 minute swim was at 1:34.68/100 yard pace (1900 yards in 30 mins). And remember how recently I re-tested my CSS pace (and then did a CSS-based swim workout just after that)? Well my CSS pace test told me it was 1:34-1:35/100. And without trying (without even having that number ANYWHERE in my mind), THAT'S the pace I held for 30 minutes at the race. I think there's something to this CSS stuff.

I stupidly wasn't ready for how much a 30 minutes hard swim would take out of me before running hard for 30 minutes (just 45 minutes after getting out of the pool). I thought I'd be testing my running fitness by seeing how far BEYOND 5 miles I could get after 30 minutes of running, but I was gassed half-way through and just tried to hold on for the entire 30 minutes (4.96 miles in 30 minutes). That was my mistake. You'd think being in my 19th year of mutlisport that I'd have learned that one discipline can take some energy out of you before doing another discipline. Oops.

Finally, here's an email from my boss who set up these work-related relay teams:

And here's the link to the MN Daily article where some of my co-workers were interviewed.

Here's my race report if you missed it!


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