"Fast Before the Feast" 5K "Official" Photos

>> Tuesday, December 06, 2016

Thanksgiving morning was the Tri Fitness "Fast Before the Feast" 5K that I did with my boys and extended family. I recently found an album of photos from the start of the race on Tri Fitness WBL's Facebook page, and here are 9 that I'd like to share:

The 10K getting ready to start. There's a BRIGHT tuke (hat) near the right that's from the
long-deseased "Winter Be-Gone Du" that Pharmie and I did years ago! Ah, memories!

A pink unicorn on the left.

Speedy Melissa Gacek leading out the 10K. She ended up 2nd overall.

Us 5Kers lining up. I cut right in front of the guy in maroon
with the yellow hat on the far left just 60 seconds before the start.
(And then I made sure to push him to the line in front of me as to not cut him off.)

GOOOOOOO! Maroon guy and his friend in white took off on the far left of this photo!
You can see the stroller (but not me) right behind them!

Again, you can see the stroller, but not me. My son Charlie and my nephew Wes were inside.

with the "single" version of our "double" stroller, and she ran the whole
race just pushing down on the handlebars to keep the stroller
balanced because she didn't have a front wheel on it! Crazy!

Jon is right behind that woman (note the stroller with my Henry and their Evie inside),
and Steph is in the pink on the right.

Steph on the far left, with her friend Maggie next to her (pushing her daughter).

For lots more photos from before, during, and after the race, CLICK HERE for my "Fast Before the Feast" 5K race report from about 10 days ago.


SteveQ 11:56 AM, December 07, 2016  

There's a lot of familiar faces in that crowd. #1101 is White Bear Lake running legend Melissa Gacek.

Steve Stenzel 1:47 PM, December 07, 2016  

... I know Steve. I pointed that out in the post. :)

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