Oakdale Duathlon Photos

>> Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The official photos are up from the race on Saturday. Here are ones of Matt and I:

“Team Happy Pants” before the race

Everyone walking to the start

Start of the "Elite" and "Team" wave

Just after the start. I never caught the topless guy.

Running past transition (I’m on the far right)

Running with BirkieRunner (from BT)

Matt starting the bike

Running hard with about 1/4 mile to go

My race number is helping to keep things "PG"

Coming to the line (Matt’s just off the trail to the right)

Yes! The ever-popular “hitting the line while stopping my watch” photo!

Unattractivly catching my breath. Oh hi, nipples.

This is the finish of the race for the top 3 elite individuals. Grossinger held off Millner by 4 seconds, and Millner held off O’Connor by 12 seconds. Here are the top 3 with about 1/4 mile to go:

All in Gear West colors - that’s a local gang. ;)

And I think I’ve found the secret to winning races! Here’s the elite female winner, Shelley Nelson, and I think her strategy is “close your eyes and run like hell!”

Seriously, her eyes are closed in every photo!

Finally, here are some fun photos on which I have some sort of commentary:

BATTLE CRY!! I love it!

Those shorts are too big. But, then again, that’s ME saying this....

How are you not burning up?!

I want your quads. Seriously. Nice work.
(This is the amateur female winner, Jenny Wilcox)

Maybe this one could have been edited out. Or maybe I’ll order a dozen 8x10s of this photo just to throw off the race photographers. Ha!

(And like I noted in my last post, you can click here to go to my Examiner article with more photos from the race.)

Back shortly with the strangest goal ever for this weekend’s race (the Gear West Duathlon). You won’t want to miss this. Check back soon. (Especially if you like my brother-in-law Matt...)


teacherwoman 8:24 AM, May 19, 2010  

Great photos! I love the ones with commentaries! LOL

Anonymous,  11:21 AM, May 19, 2010  

Steve, that is Shelley Nelson with her eyes closed. Jenny Wilcox is the one with the pink top and knee high socks you posted.

Steve Stenzel 11:28 AM, May 19, 2010  

Oops! Thanks Anonymous! I'll fix that!

Bobbie 12:00 PM, May 19, 2010  

Steve your blog is hilarious! Please tell me there is a blog post somewhere that explains to us the history behind your Yellow Shorts!?!

X-Country2 1:49 PM, May 19, 2010  

The closed eyes IS really strange. Hmmm.

Iron Girl Nyhus 3:03 PM, May 19, 2010  

I hope your "bowl full of sunshine" never wears out!

Steve Stenzel 9:42 PM, May 19, 2010  

Bertie, here's a little background:



Laura 8:29 AM, May 20, 2010  

Check out Kenny's blog for a hillarious race pic:

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