Photos from Mile 3 of the TC 10 Mile

>> Wednesday, October 17, 2018

My friend Evan was at mile 3 (just across the Franklin Ave Bridge) at the TC 10 Mile, and snapped photos throughout the entire race. Here’s his Flickr album of 2100+ photos! I went through them and picked out some to share (in chronological order):

Some of the leaders starting to trickle across the bridge.

A wall of Mill City runners. They have a huge/fast team.

These 2 women would end up 3rd and 2nd (with 2nd being just under an hour).

And this unassuming fit-looking woman would take the win in 59:26!

This pack of Mill City runners were still running together around mile 7-8 when I passed them.

I did the Loony Challenge during it’s 2nd and 3rd year, and this guy (in the black hat) won it the first year.

Then came a few photos of me that I showed in my race report:

Opening a GU, just behind Melissa Gacek

Checking my split.

GU in my cheek.

Looking right at Evan without seeing him! Thanks for the pics, Evan!

A priest with a fake collar. (His bib even says “Fr. Paul.”)

Teammate Tim.

Tim running off!

Who’s that racing in a running race in a tri-suit?!? It’s racing buddy Mike B!

More Mill City crew with Jared on the far right.

Diane H in the light green.

An awkward wave by Thea F.

Teammate Gabe checking his split! Me, Tim, and Gabe were the three scorers for our team.

Nordica S.

Teammate Scott (gray goatee). And that women I know from multisport races.
(She’s clearly dressed like a triathlete.)

Odd chin-first form on the left.

The road is filling up!

Lots of runners!

Looking to Evan’s left: we turned off the bridge and headed down River Road towards St. Paul!

It was HARD looking for friends in these photos! Note this photo...

... and how I had to work to spot teammate Dina in there!

A Prince tribute. Appropriate for MN.

Teammate Laurie.

Some sort of mile 3 “adjustment.”

I like these pants!

I first thought this guy was a Nazi...

... but then I realized he was just being an airplane. Whew.

Even though we had 7 miles to go, this guy could see the finish line.

Angela back there in the pink!

Angela said she was suffering hard here (after having done the 10K and 5K the
day before as part of the “Loony Challenge”), but she still pulled off a 10 mile PR!

People taking poor lines around the corner.

There’s always a topless guy with mittens. Always.

Is she modeling her ass to those behind her?

PJ pants!


Two out of 3 college friends of my wife who ran together.

DAD and HENRY. That’s awesome!

These 2 stopped to high-five a lumberjack...

... and he went to take off his shirt...

... and MANY photos later, here he is getting his number re-pinned
on his next layer. (An argument for race belts.)

On the left (black hat) is spunky Shannon who had pelvis issues
and hardly ran all summer. She walked/ran her way to a 2 hour 10 mile.
On the right (another black hat) is Brady.

Go Brady!

A big cow.

From a topless guy to a women bundled up in a parka: dress how it works for you.

“Running makes me hot.” (But not for parka lady.)

Two photos that show how a split second can make a BIG difference. Here she is sweetly running...

... and here she is about to die. #DownStrideWoes

“0.0 Running Sucks.” I love it.

Again, here’s Evan’s 2100+ photos from mile 3 of the TC 10 Mile if you want to take a look for yourself. (Sorry Steph and Annie and the rest of my teammates! I couldn’t find all of you!) And here’s my race report from last week if you missed it.


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