Saturday Trainer Ride With Pharmie

>> Saturday, February 28, 2009

Pharmie and I had no alarm set this morning. Sweet. We laid (or lied, or lain, whatever...) in bed and talked for a bit, and then FINALLY got up to do a workout. Oh the joys of having no children!

We filled the little table between our bikes with our goodies:

About an hour into the ride, I grabbed a camera. Here’s Pharmie at work:

She snapped a photo of me:

(Oh yeah, and I’m rockin’ my new DeSoto tri top from Chris at 10:10 Wellness - I liked it! I think I’ll be wearing it for IM NO 70.3.)

I wrapped up after 2 hours, and promptly stretched, did some leg exercises, and killed half a Papa Murphy’s All Meat DeLITE pizza. Pharmie is still downstairs. Still on her bike. Still spinning away. GO PHARMIE!! She’s a rockstar.

Have a good weekend everyone!! (I really hope to have an IM COZ race course preview posted tomorrow - check back if you’re interested...)

Update: Pharmie just finished. She did over 4.5 hours on her bike. She's a machine.


Friday Funny 25: Random (AND A QUESTION)

>> Friday, February 27, 2009

Make sure to read the “Comments” section at the bottom of this car ad closely:

“...may require some light interior cleaning.” HA!

We all have days like this...

This is what I always say...

I don’t know who made this list of “Ways to be Cool,” but I completely agree with the last 3: extreme everything, eat more meat, and hang out with Steve. You can NOT argue with that!

I have a question for all of you. Especially you creative thinkers. I'm getting ready to launch a contest where any one (any of you) can post a funny / inspiring / crazy / motivational story of what their first experience was like with regard to running / swimming / triathlons / tennis / etc. They would pair that with a photo from that time in their life, and then the public would vote for their favorite. I already have one bigger sponsor on board to give away prizes, and 2nd smaller sponsor too.

So maybe someone has a photo of themselves with their bike helmet on backwards from their first triathlon (I've seen that happen). Or maybe they're super awkward in their suit at their first swim meet. Maybe, out of nowhere, they won their first 5K. Or came in dead last. Or started jogging to lose weight, and have lost 100 pounds and changed their life. You get the idea...

Here’s where you can help out. Right now, the best title for the contest that I’ve come up with is “Best Newbie Story & Embarrassing Photo Combo.” That title sucks. You now know the idea of the contest (so you should start digging up an old photo). What’s a better idea for the title? Can you help me out? Do you have any ideas?

For your time, I’ve got one last funny. This one’s good. Can you guess what the magician in this magazine ad is advertising?

The answer is posted as the first comment. Happy Friday! (I hope to have our IM COZ course preview this weekend!)


Speed Tuesday 06: Metrodome Intervals

>> Thursday, February 26, 2009

On Tuesday, a few of us met at 5 pm at the Metrodome for a run. Pharmie, Jen, and I ran intervals (4 x 1502 meters). Jeremy was there and just hung out (due to HOPEFULLY a minor foot injury) as his fiancée and daughter walked and ran. And Borsch wanted to make it, but he hurt his knee a little and (smartly) decided to take it easy for a few days.

Jen, Pharmie, and I warmed up a little, stretched a bit, and then we were off. I did 4 x 1502 meters every 7 minutes (about 1:45 rest). I ended up running my fastest intervals at the Dome ever! My times were:


That's an average of 5:13.3 / 1502
(which comes out to about 5:34 / mile pace)
Last time I ran 4, my average was 5:22.

Because Jeremy was just hanging out, he grabbed my camera and snapped a few photos. Here's one of me running my 3rd interval:

Jeremy said I'd laugh at that shot because it was mostly an old, bright man in the foreground. Here's the original, uncropped image:

Good stuff, Jeremy!

Here I am coming around on my next lap:

Oh yeah, do you like my new shorts? I picked them up a few weeks ago for $10 at the Nike Outlet store in Medford. They're shorter than my black running shorts, but longer than the "bowl full of sunshine":

I wrapped up, grabbed my camera, and snapped a photo of Jen and Pharmie finishing their last interval:

The girls had a good run too - it was Pharmie's fastest intervals too! Good day all around! That's it for now. Swing on back tomorrow for a Friday Funny. And I HOPE to have my IM Coz preview this weekend.


More 5 Hour Spin Class Photos

>> Wednesday, February 25, 2009

So all of us claimed to feel pretty good Monday morning after our LONG spinning class (Steph, Borsch, and I called it quits after about 3 hours and 20 minutes; Matt held out for 4 hours; and my rockstar wife Pharmie went for all 5!). Our legs were tired, but really not bad at all!

Here are some more photos from Borsch. Here’s Pharmie and I as we’re starting out (notice my camera in my hand - such a geek):

Here we are 2 hours into the ride. It looks like I’m FORCING a smile:

And here we are 3 hours into the ride. I’m looking more chipper because I know I’ll be quitting soon, and it looks like Pharmie is praying for the sweet release of death:

Meanwhile, Pharmie’s brother Matt (who is my teammate in our duathlon team of “Team Happy Pants”) is USUALLY a pretty attractive guy. I don’t know what happened in these 2 shots that Borsch took of him. This one is just weird:

What are you doing Matt?

And this one takes the cake: Steph looks happy, Matt looks stoned, and I think that might be Borsch’s armpit hair on the right:


So I hopped off the spinning cycle after 3:20, and then did a quick 5 mile run-off on a suckmill. Borsh snapped this sweaty photo of me at about mile 3. FYI: my bicep is NOT that big in real life - there’s some AMAZING motion-blur that is REALLY working in my favor in this shot:

A few people asked in my first post about the 5 hour spin if this was for “training” or for “fun.” Well, Pharmie and I are upping our mileage for Ironman 70.3 New Orleans which is just 5 weeks away! The other 3 in our group were riding to give a boost to their duathlon training (our first du is about 8 weeks away, and I think all 5 of us will be doing it!).

If you missed the full story (and the original pics) of the 5 hour spinning class, scroll down 2 posts (past the photos of my sexy bike) and check it out. (It was the post from Sunday evening.) Thanks all!

p.s. Regarding the photo of my 1600 calories of food brought to the spin class: I should make it known that I only consumed around 1100 during (and shortly after) the ride. One of my main goals for that long spinning class was to NEVER GET HUNGRY. I had a major bonk during the run of my last half Ironman because I forgot to keep eating as I was nearing the end of the bike. That will NOT happen in New Orleans!!

p.p.s. (totally unrelated) OMG. I saw a commercial that made me LOL while watching TV Monday night. Have you seen this Quarter Pounder commercial about running a marathon? It’s good stuff!!

Here’s the direct link:


Addition to Our Family (Good News 3 of 3)

>> Monday, February 23, 2009

(No, we’re STILL not having a baby.)

My tri bike, Big Rhonda, has treated me well. I started my amateur triathlete career in her arms (well, in her aero bars).

She got me through Ironman WI 2007:

Kissing Big Rhonda the morning of IM

IM WI ride

But it’s been 3 years. It’s time to get a “big boy” tri bike. (Pharmie was actually pushing for it more than I was - I think she realized how great biking was once she got a “big girl” tri bike, and she felt a little guilty that I was still stuck on old, heavy Big Rhonda.)

So, on Valentines Day, I asked this beauty to “be mine:” (a Specialized Transition Expert 2007)

Aero bars and computer

Carbon seat post

Carbon front fork

I added Armadillo tires to the Mavic Ksyrium Elite wheelset

Here's more than you probably care to know about my new bike (heck, this is more than I even care to know):

• FRAME: Specialized E5 AEROTEC, fully manipulated Columbus aero tubing, compact Transition race design
• FORK: Specialized FACT monocoque carbon aero fork, carbon legs, crown, and steerer, Speed Zertz (for dampening vibrations)
• HEADSET: Specialized Mindset Plus Carbon, 1 1/8" integrated threadless, cartridge sealed bearings, alloy 20mm cone w/ one 10mm and two 5mm alloy spacers
• STEM: Specialized Pro-Set lightweight stem, 3D forged alloy, 4-bolt 31.8mm bar clamp, 4- position adjustable
• HANDLEBARS: Specialized Zertz Transition bullhorn bars, 31.8 clamp, w/ Profile Designs T2 Cobra aero bars
• FRONT BRAKE: Shimano Ultegra
• REAR BRAKE: Shimano Ultegra
• BRAKE LEVERS: Aero Levers
• FRONT DERAILLEUR: Shimano Ultegra, 31.8mm clamp, bottom pull
• REAR DERAILLEUR: Shimano Ultegra, short cage
• SHIFT LEVERS: Shimano Dura-Ace, 10-speed bar ends
• CASSETTE / FREEWHEEL: Shimano Ultegra, 12-27t
• CHAIN: Shimano Ultegra, 10-speed
• CRANKSET: FSA SL-K MegaExo, 2-piece carbon crankset
• BOTTOM BRACKET: FSA MegaExo, integrated exterior cartridge bearings, alloy
• RIMS: Mavic Kysrium Elite
• FRONT HUB: Mavic Ksyrium Elite, 18 hole, Mavic QR
• REAR HUB: Mavic Ksyrium Elite, 20 hole, Mavic QR
• SPOKES: Stainless 14g aero
• TIRES: Replaced factory tires with Specialized All-Condition Armadillo tires (700x23c)
• SADDLE: Body Geometry Toupé Team, superlight foam, carbon reinforced base, microfiber cover
• SEAT POST: Specialized Transition carbon w/ Speed Zertz
• SEAT BINDER: Specialized CNC, alloy

So, basically it's an upgrade on most every level from Big Rhonda: frame, wheelset, seat post, derailleurs, aero bars, and every other component. Here’s Pharmie and I from a few days ago as we’re on our bikes in the basement:

I don’t have a name for her yet (yes, I THINK it’s a female). And I won’t be riding her outside until it clears off a little. I might take Rhonda out for a ride or 2 before I sell her. Yep, Big Rhonda has to go. It’ll be a sad day, because I’m sentimental about each piece of equipment / gear / clothing that got me through my first Ironman. But I’m hoping I can sell her to a good home and help get someone else hooked on triathlons!!

It felt weird to get a new bike, but then to spend yesterday on a strange spinning bike for over 3 hours! It felt like cheating on my new bike! (If you didn’t see my post from last night, a bunch of us went to a 5 hour spin class, and Pharmie lasted ALL 5 HOURS!)


5 Hour Spin Class!! Holy Crap!!

>> Sunday, February 22, 2009

Pharmie and I started the day visiting Rural Girl who was in town with her family at the “Waterpark of America.” We stopped by for coffee with her and her hubby:

(Hubby was taking the picture)

Then we went home and got ready for our 5 hour spin class! Do you know what the key is to a 5 hour spin class? Two pairs of bike shorts!

Seriously. I wear 2 pairs of bike shorts for any longer ride. IT WORKS! Try it.

I got my food ready for the class. Added up, I was taking nearly 1,600 calories along with me:

Sarah, Steph, and I showed up at the Lifetime Fitness in Highland Park (neighborhood of St. Paul). Shortly after, Matt and Borsch showed up. We grabbed some bikes, and started the class:

Steph, Matt, Borsch, and Pharmie

I love this next sequence: It shows how quickly I get sweaty. Here, gawk at my boobs:

15 minutes into class

40 minutes into class

62 minutes into class

80 minutes into class, soaked through

Here’s Borsch all sweaty:

Pharmie looking good:

Matt looking hard-core:

Under 2 hours into class, I realized that I had sweat through both pairs of bike shorts. Around the bottom of my moose knuckle, I had 2 nice sweat stains:

We had 5 instructors come in and out over the 5 hours. Some of the instructors were better than others. Two near the middle weren’t too intense, and some intensity would have been nice. I needed to be yelled at, bossed around, spit on, and called a little bitch. Sometimes, that’s just better.

*wink wink* ;)

Just kidding. Sorry Mom!!

I knew I wasn’t going to make it the full 5 hours. My goal was to do 3+. Maybe 3 and a half. MAYBE 4. Well, I was hurting after 2. I started counting the minutes after 2 and a half. I ended up holding out for about 3 hours and 20 minutes. Or 200 minutes! I was done. Here I am throwing in the towel:

I hopped off my bike and snapped a photo of Pharmie’s siblings Steph and Matt:

Borsch and Steph stopped shortly after me. Matt held out for about 4 hours. Pharmie was hardcore, and stuck it out for the full 5 hours!! Here she is about 8 minutes from being done:


But I’m getting ahead of myself. When I hopped off the bike, I took exactly 5 minutes to change my shorts, poop, and hop on a treadmill. My legs were heavy after over 60 miles (roughly) on the spin cycle. But I wanted to crank out a decent run.

Mile 1: 7:32
Mile 2: 7:14
Mile 3: 6:39
Mile 4: 6:39
Mile 5: 6:39
5 miles in 34:45

My legs were dead, but my knee and heel still felt good!! What a good burn!! I went back into the spinning studio, and Borsch and I stretched:

Then I did some ab work, and called it a day. We all headed out to Davanni’s for some grub! I started with cheesy garlic bread:

Then I killed a 5 meat pizza:

We got home, and I pulled out my “bag o’ stank” which contained wet socks, wet shirt, and 2 soaked through bike shorts. This is just toxic:

Borsch snapped a few photos too, so I might put some of those up when I get them from him. And stop by tomorrow for my last bit of BIG NEWS!! Hope you all had a good weekend!!



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