Instagram of the Day: Big Run Year (and Bigger Swim Year)

>> Monday, December 31, 2018

This morning, I posted this on Instagram:

Caption: "Yesterday’s pre-sunrise gravel run at my parent’s house put me at my
2nd biggest running year ever: 913 miles. (Second to 2012 when colicky baby
Henry and I covered a lot of ground and ended up with 1,027 miles that year.)"

And 3 days ago, I tweeted this:

It's been a solid year! I'll have yearly totals and highlights next week. Happy New Year!


Another Treadmill Long Run

>> Saturday, December 29, 2018

I was set to do my long run for the week on Thursday. So I was watching the weather. We started getting snow Wednesday night, but "they" said it would turn to rain quick as it heated up (from 25 degrees to the upper 30s), and then the rain would melt everything by morning. Well, morning came, and we had 3 inches of slushy crap blanketing St. Paul. So I hit the gym.

I did a similar run to the long treadmill run I did about a month ago at Hamline University, but I didn't push it quite as hard. (That one was before my current knee pain flared up.) I ran a 2 mile warm up, then descended every half mile for 6 miles, then did a 1.5 mile cool down. And wherever I didn't speed up, I raised the incline for that half mile split (hard miles 1-1.5 and 2.5-3):

WU: 3:43, 3:44, 3:39, 3:38

Faster miles: 3:29, 3:26, 3:27, 3:23, 3:22, 3:22, 3:19, 3:15, 3:13, 3:11, 3:07, 3:05
(So mile splits of 6:55, 6:50, 6:44, 6:34, 6:24, and 6:12.)

CD: 3:44, 3:45, 3:45

1:05:46 total time for 9.5 miles (6:55 pace), with the middle 6 at 6:37 pace.

The last half of the faster miles were from 9.0 - 9.6 mph speeding up 0.1 every half mile. After walking on the track and stretching a bit, I snapped a sweaty selfie:

Smart enough to put in my contacts so I could see this time. (I didn't last time.)
I think it was my first time in contacts since the TC 10 Mile nearly 2 months ago.

Here's what it looked like as I was out after my run:

I met a trail of snowplows clearing the road.

Why I ran inside. This looks all like slush, but about half of it was slick ice. Yuck. No fun.


Friday Funny 1541: Parenting Funnies

>> Friday, December 28, 2018

First thought: we've all been there. Second thought: I want her big oven!

The reverse is true in our house. #SAHD

It's a damn pain.

If you liked those "parenting funnies," then check out these related funnies:

- Parenting Funnies
- Good Parenting
- Parenting Funnies
- Parenting
- Parenting Funnies
- Tweets About Parenting
- Parents Destroying Kids on Facebook

Lots more funny things on


Friday Funny 1540: Drunk People

Lots more funnies posted all day long on



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