Photos from the Brian Kraft 5K

>> Saturday, July 06, 2024

It's been 2 months, but here are a few photos from 2 albums (here and here) from the Brian Kraft 5K. If you'll remember, I had a good race that day, and ended up with a lifetime 5K PR of 17:05! Here are some pics:

Everyone mulling around at the starting line.

The lead pack a half-mile into the race.

Rounding the corner around Nokomis near the main beach.

Hey, I'm back there!...

[zoomed in] ... only if you look close for the pink shorts.

In my race report, I noted running next to and passing a stoller. Stroller is visible on the far left.

Stroller getting closer.

I'm barely visible over the stroller dad's shoulder.

Blue calf sleeves and pink shorts peeking out back there.

Me 2nd-to-the-right.

Running behind these guys.

A bit later, Henry was visible back there! He's on the left in the orange top and blue shorts.

Henry coming!

Henry and his race buddy!

Dorothy (87 years old) was last place in 45:17, and she loved it!

Now off to the finish line. I was HURTING as I had realized around mile 2 that a PR was within reach. Here I am behind the guy in orange shoes (running a good tangent around the lake):

Moving forward, damply.

As I teased in my race report, the guy in front of me was inspecting his watch!

Still inspecting.

Still inspecting.

Now running off to show me suffering!

On his way to a PR behind me, here comes Henry:

Danielle back there too!

Here's Henry spotting me and Charlie.

Charlie joining in!

Love this shot.

Some "side eye" from the girl they are passing.

If you missed it, here's my PR race report from the 2024 Brian Kraft 5K.


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All content and original images copyright 2006 - 2024 by Steve Stenzel, AKA "Steve in a Speedo." All Rights Reserved.
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