Official Lake Johanna 4 Mile Photos

>> Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Local photographer Wayne Kryduba was out at the Lake Johanna 4 Mile on Saturday, and he put up a great slideshow of photos. Here are some that help tell Henry's story:

Just before the start. Try to spot me and the stroller...

Just after the start, with Nordica on my tail.

The leaders at mile 1. (The guy on the right is currently in first
in the MDRA Grand Prix, and there's no way I'll catch him!)

3rd - 6th at mile 1, with Henry and I back there in 7th and 8th!

I don't know her, but that's a blurry Pharmie in the pink back there!

Wayne didn't get a photo of me finishing, but Tom's friend caught Henry and I just feet from the finish:

We amuse old people.

Look in the background...
that's Henry and I heading back to the porta potties.

I don't know these people, but I'm sure we'd get along.

Pharmie heading to the finish!

Cicely and Nordica on the shore of Lake Johanna post-race.
When Henry woke up from his "race nap," he flirted with these ladies.

Awesome photo of race-buddy Chris!

Wayne's photo of my wife getting a photo of Henry and I.

I forgot to mention a fun comment in my race report: Nordica was talking with us after the race, and she said she had just overheard someone else talking about the race. Some guy was telling his friend "Yeah, I saw this guy pull up by me before the start of the race with a stroller, and I thought 'What's that guy doing up here?' But then he PASSED me during the race!" Ha! I love that! (Of course.)

If you missed Henry's first race report, scroll down to yesterday's post (or click here) to read his recap!


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