More "Rocky's Run" Pics

>> Thursday, November 10, 2016

Racy buddy Tom R raced Rocky's with me, and he also had someone snap a lot of photos of the race. Here are 20 I'd like to share. Thanks for the pics, Tom!

The start. That's me half cut off on the far right.

Lots of maroon and gold (U of M) in the middle.

The eventual winners on the far left. They won by 2.5 mins,
and started WAY to the side for the most direct line.

Me right in the middle.

Nice shot of me. Tom is #82. And that's Ann from our Y in the middle with the ponytail bounce.

The lead gator. As I mentioned in my race report, there were all kinds of possible
courses/distances marked out there, so we needed to be following
something to take us the right way to make a 6K.

A big pack of U of M CC runners that I was behind. I caught about 1/2 of these women before the finish.

Awkwardly working the corner. Like an inexperienced prostitute.

Still a little awkward.

My wife cutting across the course in the background with the boys!
Look at that hot hammy and calf! #ShesGotLegs

Wait, there used to be 2 people on that. Someone must have fallen off and died out there.

Seeing the CC runners meant I was close behind...

... there I be.

The start of a wave. And I think those women cheering behind me are some of those
who went out hard and dropped out around mile 1. (This would have been
somewhere around mile 2, but only a few hundred feet from the mile 1 marker.)

Over the final little hill and into the homestretch!

This guy's got a good finisher's face.

There's me back there getting a final high five from Henry!! (As seen in my race report.)

Final awkward sweaty-boobed kick.

There was a decent number of kids racing too. They got lots of cheers.

The U of M Women's CC team post-race.

Someone's Garmin of the loopy race. We started with the loop to the right,
mile 1 was along the SW section, mile 2 was just a bit north
of that, and mile 3 was just north of the pond in the middle.

I showed Steve Q in my race report and noted that he wasn't going to race, but he stuck around to cheer. He took a video of most of the runners from around the mile 3 marker. Here are 3 screenshots of me running past:

The non-female-looking blob is me.

This is when I finally saw Steve, so I waved. I was too pooped to say anything.

And race buddy Danielle snapped a few photos as we chatted post-race.

Steve Q, me, and my wife putting Charlie's shoes back on before running
down into the tunnel under Larpenteur Ave.

Me looking dreamily at Steve Q (with the previously mentioned tunnel behind his shoulder).

If you missed it, CLICK HERE for my race report from Tuesday. Thanks for the pics Tom, Steve, and Danielle!


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