More Random Photos from the City of Lakes Loppet (Ski, Snowshoe, and Fat Bike)

>> Monday, March 28, 2022

I did my first fat bike race last month, and it already feels like it was a year ago! I shared a few photos that my friend Cam took from throughout the race (including 2 of me at the finish) about 2 weeks ago. Here are a few more random photos from the weekend of events from the different links found on the Loppet Foundation website:

Before us fat bikers destroyed the course, they had ski races.

Nicely groomed trails near the finish.

Two "lanes" each of classic and free-style skiing at the finsh.

There was a skijoring race that looked like a BLAST! Love the dog here!

There was a 37K race that went off before we started our 20K race, but there was a snowshoe race that started before both of those. Here's fast runner Melissa Gacek heading off Cedar Lake:

More snowshoers.

Shoer and and skier.

Tongue out for the camera!

While looking through other photos, I found one of a mass-start of one of the ski races!

The first little tunnel leaving Bde Maka Ska
(notice the snow packed in the middle on top of the ice).

Heading across that little channel about to go under the Greenway Trail.

And here's the 37K riders about read to start! That's Sean C in the blue.

Here are some from when a photographer jumped down to that area that I described as "a NARROW little tunnel (practically a culvert) as we left Cedar Lake for the tiny Brownie Lake" in my race report. Here were the lead fat bikers of the 37K coming through:

Matt's coach is in the lead, and he ended up winning it all!

That tunnel might look plenty big, but look at the distortion happening
because of the photographer's wide angle lens - it was NOT a wide tunnel!

Sean Cooley in the lead pack (ended up 4th overall).

Another pack coming through later.

It looks plenty wide here...

... but notice it even steps down narrower on the right!

OK, it wasn't SUPER narrow, but it still made me "white knuckle" it a bit as I tried to zip through there at high speeds in my first ever fat tire bike race! Maybe I'm just not brave.

Here's the bearded guy who had a sweet frozen
beard in my first "race photos" post from 2 weeks ago!

A shot from above the tunnel.

Looking out onto Cedar Lake.

Snowshoers and fat bikers. (I can't place exactly where this is.)

It's rare to see a good "full sprint" photo of a snowshoer. This one is good!

I like this vantage point looking over the hill near the finish
(but you have to loop around a lot more and still have a ways to go).

This guy did the longer 37K like this, and as I noted in my
race report
, he passed me in the finisher's chute. :)

Sorry, but I couldn't find any photos of me or Matt in ANY of these other albums on the Loppet Foundation website. Just a few of us that my friend Cam took that I shared recently. Still, I like how all of these albums show fun different parts of that weekend in early February.

Here's my race report if you missed it, and here are some photos from my friend Cam of the fat bike races.


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