More Lake Johanna 4 Mile Photos

>> Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Race buddy Tom R was at the Lake Johanna 4 Mile this past weekend, and he had a friend stationed with his camera just after the start and just before the finish. Here are a handful of his photos from the race:

Maybe 30 seconds into the race (note the start line to the far left).

The leader was already pulling away. He gapped the rest of us from the start.

Pack of 2nd - 6th, then 2 more guys, then me in 9th.

Settling in after passing a few people after the start...

... only to pop to the outside to pass the 2 guys in front of me.

As I mentioned in my race report, I ended up passing both of those guys to move into 7th (breathing REALLY hard, wondering if that was a good idea). Then one of them passed me right back pretty quick to put me in 8th. Then maybe around the 3/4 mile mark, I passed the guy in the orange shades and green top, and shortly after, the other guy who I passed just after that last photo caught me too. And I ran the rest of the race right there in 8th place.

Wondering if I’m going too hard.

Running off to find out.

A stream of 182 runners starting.

Race buddy Danielle (#2370).

Everyone heading around the lake.

I “complained” about potholes and rough roads in my race report, but I wasn’t *really* complaining. I was just noting the conditions out there which made it a bit harder for a stroller. It’s been a rough winter on everyone, and the roads took their toll too. So you’ll see some of those rough roads in a few of these finishing photos:

The leader WAY ahead of everyone else!

Heading to the finish averaging 5:12 pace!

2nd at the line, with 3rd coming in.

4th through 6th.

6th and 7th.

4th about to finish, with 5th on his tail. (5th was the last guy to pass me 3.3 miles earlier.)

Here I come 21 seconds back. With no one behind me.

Comment on that last photo. :)

Such beauty, such grace.

I like how it looks like I’m not even moving in this one.

Hunched shoulders + wide elbows = perfect form.
(I still hadn't noticed the finisher's clock here - when I did, I gave it all to the line to break 24:00!)

Comment on that last photo. Yep, I ran 23:48 with just (baby) Henry in 2012.

A pack of 4 runners (and 2 women out for a walk) 49 seconds behind me.

The guy in the orange shades was ahead of me for 4 minutes. Then he lost a lot of ground.

The first female. She finished and gave me some “dad praise” in the finisher’s chute.

A 10-year-old girl who finished in under 7:00/mile pace!

Race buddy Tom. Thanks for the photos, Tom!

Me still chatting with Brian at the end of the finisher’s chute on the far right.

A pack of runners running through the asphalt chunks.


This guy (like me) was happy to be nearly done!


A very casual finisher’s photo.

Sookie from my gym!

And THEE Rick Recker, coming back from an injury.

Find all of Tom’s photos here. And if you missed it, here’s my race report from Monday.


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