Another Album of Goldy’s Run Photos on Facebook

>> Monday, April 22, 2019

After posting my race report, I also showed a few photos from my friend Evan, and then photos from a Facebook album from the race. Well, here are a few more photos from a different album:

5K runners lined up as far as the eye can see. (Nearly 5,000!)

Start of the 5K, with Goldy running with his head on backwards.

The 10 Milers lining up (curving to the left down the street).

Goldy polished the starting line with his tail before eyeballing it here.

“Last runner.”

5K runners (including some of the tuba guys!) coming into the stadium to the finish.

Through the tunnel and out to the finish on the 50 yard line.

Great race shirt: “I’m not drunk. Definitely not sober, but not drunk.”

Sweet Baywatch shirt.

Then there’s a break before the 10 Milers come to the finish. Everyone I talked to (including me) saw how far the leader was ahead at the 5-mile turn-around, and we were surprised that he “only” won by 75 seconds or so. He seemed to have MORE of a lead at mile 5, but he either let up or was slowly dying out there. Here he is behind the lead bikers coming around the stadium with a minute left:

Runner on the far left.

Looking really good for running a 56:29!

This guy jumped into 2nd place about 0.4 miles into the race, and held that.


Fourth. Third and fourth passed me well before mile 1 and kept pulling away.

Fifth place, casually breaking 60 minutes.
He FLEW past me up the hill into St. Paul around mile 3.5.

I like this guy. I didn’t expect the combo of that handlebar mustache, that cotton
“hug a hater” shirt, and those long baggy shorts to run a 60 minute 10 mile.

The view inside the stadium heading to the finish line.

The guy who finished 14 seconds in front of me. Looking good. (Also, he was in
my age group, so I was close to moving up to 2nd! Could NOT catch him though.)


This warrants a close-up. Unshaved, needing a haircut, neck hair glimmering in the sun,
pissed off, spit on my lip, and again with that damn dainty “pinky out” in my final sprint.

And then a beautiful “flying” runner 60 seconds behind me. Unfair.

Another nice photo of the guy 2 spots behind me.

Three spots behind me. He wasn’t far from me most of the race.

White bib = relay runner. They bussed people out to the 5 mile mark,
and that's where your partner would stop and you could take over.

YWCA teammate Niko! I always think needs need to take better care of his body.

The lead female, running a sub-65!

2nd female.

Melissa as 3rd female, all within 0:45!

So a few days after the race, I ran into a guy at my gym that I recognized as being out there in the 10 Mile. I think he ran around 1:06. We chatted about the hills, and he said "Did you see that 12-year-old flying out there?!? He passed me and I told myself I'd catch him by the finish, but I couldn't!" Yep, I saw that kid! He ran a 1:05:45!!

Congrats Robert!

Some sort of last-second wardrobe change. (My guess is he's making sure
his race number/chip is going to read when going across the finish.)

This guy went to my old gym.

You can see the little slope in the tunnel back there. I nearly wiped out heading through there.

Vicki from Tri Fitness.

Topless tu-tu guy?

Gym buddy Leah!

I think the first place female and Mr. 60 Minute Handlebars are a couple.

At first glance, I thought this was ElastiGirl.

That's... that's an... unusual "finisher's face..."

My cutie coming to the finish!!

Sarah finished close to this woman in gray, who was a year older
than us in high school! We all chatted briefly post-race.

This woman apparently spotted her family at the last minute...

... and stopped to make faces at her baby. I love it.

Here comes my sister-in-law Steph in the orange!

Her face was pink - she was getting hot!


More finishers.

I don't know the story here, but the last 3 photos are this old man crossing the finish line
in 3 hours. Maybe a 5K with a walker? Whatever the story, I want to be him when I get older!

Three related links:
- My Goldy's 10 Mile race report.
- A few photos of me from race buddy Evan from during the race.
- And photos from a different Facebook album.


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