Friday Funny 351: Shot Put Face

>> Friday, June 29, 2012

Poor guy.

Kurt Roberts, a Ohio teacher and shot-putter, recently moved to the finals in Eugene at the Olympic Trials (he finished 5th in the finals). Unfortunately, he looks like this when he throws:

Again I say: poor guy.

Related: Here's an article about 3 Minnesotan Track and Field athletes who made it to the FINALS in their sports at the Olympic Trials, and here's my article about how they all fared in the finals - ONE of them will be representing us in London next month! "Like" me (as the St. Paul Triathlon Examiner) on Facebook for updates in your news feed.


Friday Funny 350: Drunk Baby

Here's a newer meme I've been enjoying. It's called "Drunk Baby." Warning: he CAN get a little saucy.

I think that last one is my favorite.


Friday Funny 349: Obamacare Irony

I'm not trying to get political here. Really. But just try to find the humor in these people's tweets (all re-tweeted by "Lee") and the way they're reacting to "Obamacare" being passed:

I don't really care if you're for or against Obamacare, but I don't think moving to Canada is really going to make these people feel any better. Do I have to spell this out? Canada has an even more socialized system of.... oh forget it. They'll figure it out once they get there...


Friday Funny 348: Grammar is Important

Google's "autofill" function apparently understands the importance of proper grammar:


Attention Ultra Runners: Wanna Run a Double Marathon Next Month?

>> Thursday, June 28, 2012

Who's in shape enough to run a double marathon next month? Here's a fun idea that was sent to me in an e-mail through one of the PR firms that sometimes has goodies for some of my giveaways, and I want to pass in on to you guys:

The reason I'm writing is that we have a new client, Worth The Hurt, a groundbreaking, web-based fundraising platform is offering a once in a lifetime chance to help launch their new initiative next month at the 2012 Wipro San Francisco Marathon. And before I tell you how to get involved, I want to share a little more on what Worth The Hurt is all about...

Having spent years in the race circuit and observing the limited nature of sports-based charitable giving platforms, such as Team in Training, the SF Marathon event producers recognized that the current model while successful, was limited in scope, as athletes must raise funds for a specific cause, compete in a specific event, and in return receive training and race support.

In an effort to open up broader possibilities for a fundraiser seeking to accomplish a unique challenge, while raising money for the charity of their choice -- Worth The Hurt was born.

With Worth The Hurt, the athlete uses a new, proprietary web platform to create their own custom campaign -- whether it is running across the U.S. to raise money for multiple sclerosis, climbing the highest peaks for clean water or trekking to the South Pole for the blind. For any challenge imaginable, for any charity, up to 20 percent of every dollar an athlete raises goes directly back to help pay for their training, race expenses and to support their fund-raising campaign.

Currently in its beta phase, Worth The Hurt kicks off by challenging six prolific endurance athlete fund-raisers to run the 2012 Wipro San Francisco Marathon back-to-back, beginning at midnight the night before the race on July 29th. Each athlete is raising funds for a charity of their choice, setting the stage for how the web-based platform will function in the future for ALL athletes.

So...with six athletes on board, there are still 60 spots available for WORTHY runners like you and your readers to take part. What does it entail you might ask?

  - Create an account and register online
  - Select a Worth The Hurt sponsored athlete's team to join
  - Raise $1500 for the charity of your team (which covers your $150 entry fee to the race)
  - Run like the wind (or waddle like a penguin) for 52.4 miles on July 29th at the
    inaugural event
  - Feel like a badass that you can say you ran the SF Marathon TWICE in one day!

Again, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity to help launch a fundraising platform that will change the face of endurance-based charitable fundraising forever -- and it is available for YOU and a reader of your choice. If you are unable to participate, we'd be happy to offer your spot to second worthy reader.

Help Worth The Hurt open new doors for worthy athletes to raise funds through the physical challenge of their choice, on behalf of the charity that they are passionate about by running in the event July 29th!!

For more information or any questions you may have, please don't hesitate to give me a shout.

So, I'm pretty sure my legs are NOT ready for a double marathon next month, but that means that I can give 2 spots to my readers.

If anyone is interested in running a DOUBLE MARATHON as part of the SF Marathon on July 29th, just let me know and I'll put you in contact with Jenny.


Semi-Wordless Wednesday: Denim Bike Kit

>> Wednesday, June 27, 2012

A blog reader named Darren sent me this link for this sweet bike kit:

Look in his eyes... he knows how sweet he looks.

I'm pretty sure I need this.


Foot Surgery (and something EVERYONE should have in their house)

>> Tuesday, June 26, 2012

At the end of my Trinona "pre-race report" I noted that I had just got a number of "prickers" stuck in my foot. Here's what I had said:

As I walked back up the beach, I accidentally walked through some little burrs. I realized it about half way through them, so I sat down in the lake and pulled them out of my foot. Dang. Smooth move with about 90 seconds before my wave started.

(Here's my pre-race report and here's my full Trinona race report where I had a pretty major bonk.)

Well, I checked my foot 2 nights after the race, and I still a LOT of littler "prickers" in my right foot. There were about 8 or 9 embedded in there, and another 1 in my left foot. Super. I couldn't get at them with a tweezers, and I couldn't do much with a nail trimmers either. My wife just told me to keep soaking my foot and they'd "fester out." Gross.

Well, nothing was happening. So my wife picked me up a "needle nose tweezers:"

Do you have a pair of these at home?!? GET A PAIR NOW!!

It was so easy to use those sharp points to just dig down on either side of a pricker and pull it right out! Here I am at work last week clearing the prickers from my foot that had lived there for a week and half:

Headlight, needle-nose tweezers in hand,
nail trimmers and clippers at the ready, and a foot bath at the bottom.

My foot feels a LOT better, and it felt fine during a successful easy 4-mile run on Sunday with Henry - my first run in 2 weeks (since the Trinona Triathlon). I'm taking it easy now through the Life Time Fitness Minneapolis Triathlon, so I hope to be doing a few more easy runs with Henry in the stroller!


Track Runner Carries Competitor Across the Line at the State Meet

>> Monday, June 25, 2012

I stumbled across a Buzzfeed article called "21 Pictures That Will Restore Your Faith In Humanity." It's a quick article that's full of sometimes funny / sometimes cute / sometimes touching photos. Click that link to check it out. (As a liberal Catholic, I love #1!)

Number 6 on the list was this:

6. The moment in which this Ohio athlete stopped to help an injured competitor across the finish line during a track meet.

17-year-old Meghan Vogel was in last place in the 3,200-meter run when she caught up to competitor Arden McMath, whose body was giving out. Instead of running past her to avoid the last-place finish, Vogel put McMath's arm around her shoulders, carried her 30 meters, and then pushed her over the finish line before crossing it.

I didn't know if it was fully true... I've learned not to trust everything on the internet. The hard way.

Anyway, I searched YouTube, and found this:

Direct Link

It turns out that Meghan was gassed and not doing well in the 3200 because she had just WON STATE in the 1600. And then she stopped to help another athlete to the finish instead of passing her.

Hell. Yeah.

I love stuff like this. Great work, Meghan!

Oh, and there's even a Huffington Post article about her good deed.


The Harsh Truth

>> Sunday, June 24, 2012

There are some nuggets of truth in here....

Semi-related is this video. It's a list of "Triathlon Excuses" we use to get out of something:


First OWS of 2012

>> Saturday, June 23, 2012

Well, technically this was my first open-water swim of 2012 back on Memorial Day weekend:

And then I did do the Trinona Triathlon about 2 weeks ago... but I can't count a race as an open-water swim workout, so THIS was going to be my first real OWS of the year.

I headed out to Square Lake early Thursday morning because my wife didn't work until later that day, so she watched Henry. (They actually cuddled and slept in.) I worked my way into a warm lake on a chilly morning:

Being I was there alone and I'm not THAT dumb, I stayed in the shallows. I went down and back along the beach. We've thought in the past that it's just under 200 yards in each direction (around 400 yards / lap), and helped confirm that that was close:

0.25 miles / lap

I started swimming without a plan, which is never a good idea. That usually ends up with me quitting after a short swim as soon as I start feeling tired. So I quick came up with a plan: 6 laps, 12 lengths, or about 2400 yards. That wouldn't take me forever, and yet it'd be my longest swim of the year so far. (Yeah, my swims have sucked in 2012.)

I kept my splits for each 200 yard (roughly) length:

3:17 (nearly "all out")
Total of 42:04 for (about) 2400 yards

You can see I did a harder one near the end. I told myself after about 7 or 8 lengths (when I was THINKING about stopping at 10) that I should throw in a hard length, so that got me to do 12 total. I snapped a photo when I was finished:

Why hello "vein of approval!" It's been a while since I've see you!

All in all, a good morning swim! I need to get in more of those....


Friday Funny 347: Get a 'Summer Bod'

>> Friday, June 22, 2012


And if you're SERIOUS about getting that "Summer Bod," here's a solid weight-loss plan:


Friday Funny 346: Parenting Related Funnies

I plan on being this kind of Dad....

.... but I'm afraid Henry will be this kind of boy.

I love this.

I'm not saying he did or he didn't...


Friday Funny 345: Best Burger Ever

My birthday is mid-March. I would like one of these, please.


Friday Funny 344: The Rules to Golf (I Think...)

Number 6 and 10 are very important.


Hitler Reacts to Lance Armstrong's Ban

>> Thursday, June 21, 2012

OK, I don't care what side of the "Lance issue" that you're on... this is kinda funny:

Direct Link

And on a barely-related note, here's the same another video of Hitler complaining about Hipsters on Fixies. This one might be better than the Lance one above:

Direct Link


p.s. Today is day 11 since my last run. I'm doing well not having to run! My heel is enjoying the rest. Soon it will be time to "get back at it" as the Mpls Tri is July 14th, and then the next 2 "Grand Prix" races are July 26th and 28th...


Official Photos from the Trinona Triathlon

>> Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The official photos from the Trinona Triathlon are in, and I can be found suffering in a few of them.

Race venue in the middle as seen from the bluff (with the Mississippi River in the distance).

Hitting my watch after leaving the water, happy with my 27 min swim.

Headed out on the bike: good form, looking relaxed.

Nearly done with the ride.

Headed back on the bike: head cocked, breathing hard, near death. :)
(I look MUCH more beat-up than that photo from the start of the ride 2 photos up…)

Looking surprisingly OK after a rough run.

2 things here: 1st, I'm waving to Grace near the finisher's chute.
2nd, that little girl is really questioning my choice of race apparel. You can see it in her eyes.

I out-kicked that guy in the chute. Like a boss jerk.

Hitting the finish.

Nearly there….

…. breaking the tape….

…. and hitting my watch: THEE most important photo.

Click here for my Trinona pre-race report, and click here for my bonk-filled Trinona race report.



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All content and original images copyright 2006 - 2025 by Steve Stenzel, AKA "Steve in a Speedo." All Rights Reserved.
Want to use something seen here? Just ask - I don't bite.