This goes back 3 weeks, but my training week 3 weeks ago was something worth noting. The week of Dec 27th through Jan 2nd was my biggest running week since high school cross country! I don't normally log TOO many runs (worried about injuries), but in those 7 days, I had 5 runs (including a race), and tallied up 34.38 miles. That's SUPER for me!
Here are the last 3 weeks:
• Mon, 12/27:- 13.11 miles in 1:33:17.
- Good strength and core at the Y.
• Tue, 12/28:- Easy 1500 yard swim.
• Wed, 12/29:- 7.78 mile tempo run.
- Quick upper body strength routine.
• Thur, 12/30:- A bit of core work.
• Fri, 12/31:- 4.85 miles of intervals at the St. Fair Coliseum.
- A bit of upper body strength work.
• Sat, 1/1:- 3.33 mile easy run with Pharmie to the
start of her 10K race.
• Sun, 1/2:- Indoor track meet:
5000 meters in 17:17, and another 2.2 miles of WU and CD.

Running behind Kirt (see him up there?) at the Coliseum on 12/13
• Mon, 1/3:- 1600 yd swim.
- A bit of core at the Y.
• Tue, 1/4:- Nice, longer strength routine.
- 50:00 on the trainer with Coach Troy on the TV.
• Wed, 1/5:- 2100 yd swim (7 x 200).
• Thur, 1/6:- 10.2 mile run. WANTED to go more like 13, but my heel was a little sore from last weeks "heavier" mileage, so I did the smart thing (I think) and cut it short.
- "Power Barz" strength class at the Y, plus some more core afterward.
• Fri, 1/7:- 2200 yd swim (endurance).
• Sat, 1/8:- Easy-ish 4.95 miler to "flush out" legs from Power Barz class.
- Quick strength routine.
• Sun, 1/9:- Nothing.

The blister I peeled off after the 1/3 swim. Nice.
• Mon, 1/10:-
"Meet of the Miles" 1 mile (PR of 4:49.6!). Plus another 1.6 of WU. No CD (oops).
• Tue, 1/11:- Easy 3.15 mile run with Pharmie.
- Long, solid core routine.
• Wed, 1/12:- 1950 yd swim: all out 5x100 "no minds" workout.
- A little strength work after swim.
• Thur, 1/13:- 13 miles on the treadmill in 1:34:11.
• Fri, 1/14:- Good strength routine including legs.
- 60 minutes on the trainer with Coach Troy.
• Sat, 1/15:- 5.8 mile run that was SUPPOSED to be a longer tempo run. But legs were fatigued and heavy, so I cut it short and made it easier.
• Sun, 1/16:- Good upper body workout at the Y, and then some good core work at home after that.
Solid weeks of training, I think! Back with photos from my SUPER COLD run soon! (4 below air temp and 19 below windchill.) Check back for those....