Race Photos from O'Gara's 8K

>> Monday, April 03, 2017

Well, it's been over a week since The Ugliest Race in St. Paul O'Garas Irish Run 8K, and my legs are doing just fine. My training from last week was great, but more on that in an upcoming post.

Today, I want to share a few photos from race buddy Tom R. He did the race, but he had someone with his camera snapping photos of most everyone. Tom, I didn't get a chance to chat post-race as I was chatting with Brian when I ran into you, but thanks for all the photos!

Here's how the race went down:

At the start. I'm over near the right.

Close up of that last photo (as I showed at the end of my race report). I'm in the middle.

Overly-photogenic former student Jeremy (443).

Taking it easy real early in this race.

I quickly got around the 2 guys in the gray shirts in front of me shortly after
this photo. Their banter told me they were lined up a bit too close to the front. :)

Everyone headed up over the bridge in the first 1/4 mile or so.

5K leader coming back (after a little jaunt to the right
under Hamline Ave) with other runners in the distance.

Former Olympian Carrie Tollefsen coming back as the lead 5K female with a smile!

This is the strained face of a dude trying to not get "chicked"
(but probably not realizing he's behind an Olympian).

8K leader (yellow) following the lead biker (yellow as well) just a block
from the finish. Running my 1 mile PR pace for 5 miles. NBD.

We've all given or wanted to give this look to someone who out-kicks you near the finish.

Nicole on her way to 29:26 6th place female finish!

Hey, there's me back there!

Me on the left, Casey on the right (who I took a selfie
with around mile 1, and cheered on just a block before this).

Passing 5K walkers on the left.

I would learn on Facebook post-race that this woman who I jumped
around with all race is a CC coach and the daughter of race buddy Charlie R!
(Also, notice my non-grimace as I was really taking it easy.)

At the turn-around, I was happy to see teammate Geoffrey just a few seconds behind me.
I didn't know he stayed so close, but here he is on the far right finishing just 0:12 behind me!

Teammate Ejay not far beyond that!

Mike coming up the final hill!

I still haven't met our teammate Leaf, and I don't know what he looks like!
His number ended in 7, so that MIGHT be him in the gray shirt back there!
(That's Tom R in the yellow on the left, and him and Leaf had the same finishing time.)

Teammate Dina!

Teammate (and favorite trainer) Laurie! (And Mill City runner Adelheid back there too!)

I THINK this is Geoffrey's wife, but she's making a weird face.
And, of course, check out the leprechaun!

Again, here's my full O'Garas Irish Run 8K RACE REPORT if you missed it. I ran with a camera and snapped photos along the way.

Back soon with some decent training updates.


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