Cuyuna Mountain Biking Garmin Maps

>> Wednesday, August 31, 2022

This is just for fun (and for the memories). Here's some of my Garmin data from my trip up north earlier this month with my boys.

On day 1, we got up there and rode around for the afternoon. My boys just wanted to stay on the "skills loops" because they loved them so much:

A bunch of loops on our first afternoon there.

Highlighting the 3 loops and the trail up to 2 of them.

My HR on that ride.

The peak at mile 1 was doing the "easy" loop a bunch and ending as fast as I could with a 60 second lap. Most of the big dips were where I was stopped with the boys for a bit, so I stopped my Garmin. The big final peak is doing the "more difficult" loop a bunch with Henry.

Riding around a skate park (lower right) and then to the park (lower left) after supper.

Day 2 started with a solo run before the boys were up. I ran north to the paved trail, and then nearly ran back to the skills loops that we were biking the day before:

The BIG ride with my boys that morning! We ended with many "skills loops" at the upper right.

6.9 mph for the first 5 miles, and 7.0 mph for the last bit.

After having lunch and then stopping for a swim break, we changed again and biked some more. We hit the skills loops a few more times:

(And then we swam some more after that!)

On day 3, I again got up early, but this time I went out on a mountain bike ride on the main paved trail that runs through the park (the same one I ran on the day before, and the same one that the 3 of us were on for a bit along the south side of Huntington Mine Lake). I went until it spit me out on a country highway, went a bit farther down that highway, came back close to home, went back into town a different way, tried a mountain bike trail (that I soon realized was 1-way and would take me WAY TOO FAR around a lake), and then ended with some ACTUAL mountain biking just north of the Crosby/Ironton border. I didn't dare take unknown mountain bike trails when it was still a little bit dark outside, but I felt like finally trying it at 6:30 when I was nearly done with my ride.

Solo early morning ride.

The brief bit of "actual" mountain biking that I did near the end.

My first 3 5-mile splits were within 14 seconds! Split #5 was mountain biking and
turning around. Split #7 was that fun little loop (and spur) seen in the image above.

The boys and I packed up and went to do the skills loops some more - they just LOVED those loops. Henry convinced me to also try the other "more difficult" loop (which I knew had a big drop that I wasn't ready to try) and the "very difficult" loop which is just tricky at the start and is fine after that:

Doing all 5 loops up there!

I think that's my PR for the easy loop: 0:58.4.

Again, here's my post with lots of photos from our mountain biking, and here's a short video with some clips from our trip.


Descending Tempo Run

>> Monday, August 29, 2022

I'm feeling OK about my fitness, but not about my "distance speed," and I'm gearing up for the TC 10 Mile in 5 weeks. So on Friday, I looked back to my workouts from Coach Jen when she got me to go sub-60 at the 2010 TC 10 mile to find a proper speed workout - not something too short (like I was doing to get ready for the Raspberry Run 1 Mile last month), but not something too long (like the 2x2 mile intervals that Jen gave me in prep for the 10 mile all those years ago). I found a hill-related workout that scared me now because of some foot pain, and I found a fartlek workout but was similar to some speed work within a long run recently.

I found a workout from Jen that was 6 miles total: 1 mile of warm-up, 1 mile "building" and harder but with still some room left to speed up, and then 3 more miles faster and faster and faster until completely maxxed out. (So that's 4 miles faster, with really the last 3 being the hardest ones.) And then a mile of cool down.

My warm-up mile was quite slow, and I cranked it up to start my "building" mile. I wasn't really happy with my "harder" 1/2 mile splits of 3:18 and 3:14, but I was ready to pick it up more for the next mile.

I *was* happy about my next split, as it was 2:58! And then I ended that mile with a 3:10 half-mile split. I was working.

The next mile had 2 splits of 3:01 which was great. But I was HASHED. I was ready to call it quits after another half mile if I needed to, but I wanted to try to get in the final full mile (for 2 reasons: because that was the point of the workout, and because there was a little uphill that would be good for me to run hard).

In that final mile, I was happy to see my first half mile split was 2:54. That sort of gave me a boost to see what I could do in the final half mile (even though I figured it would be slower as there was a nice little hill in it). Sure enough, my final half mile was 2:58, but I felt great about this workout.

My "building" opening mile was green and yellow (splits 2-4), and then it was a lot of red!

Pace chart, with the 4 tempo miles in red.

On the last pace chart and on this HR chart, you can see a burst of speed (and of
heart rate) crossing the bridge around the 17:00 mark. Maxxed out at 193 at the finish.

WU mile, "building" mile in yellow, descending miles in red, then 2:00 of trying not to die. :)

I was a little surprised I hit the descend so nice: 6:32 "building" mile, then 6:08, 6:02, and 5:52.


Cuyuna Mountain Biking Videos

>> Saturday, August 27, 2022

I put a handful of clips together from our mountain biking trip earlier this month:

The 1st clip was from the "easy" skills loop that the boys loved.

The 2nd and the last clip were both from the "more difficult" skills loop that had some fun rollers! It looks more tame in the video, but it was pretty exhilarating! The boys (and I) loved that one!

The middle clips were from our ride about Huntington Mine Lake on our big day on the easy Galloping Goose trail. (But the grouse or prairie chicken clip was from riding with Henry on a "more diffiult" trail [called Demo Loop] a bit later that day.)

And the lake video was from Huntington Mine near the big parking lots and skills loops. Charlie was chasing frogs in the shallows. The guy fishing near him had recently caught a decent large mouth bass. Henry and I were just enjoying the clear, cool water.

Click here for more photos and stories from our trip!


Friday Funny 2128: Fitness-Related Funnies

>> Friday, August 26, 2022

Lots more funny things posted all day long on HAPPY WEEKEND!!


Friday Funny 2127: Funny Twitter Replies

Find lots more funny things on



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