Winner of the Granola Bars

>> Sunday, July 18, 2010

This past week, you could enter for a chance to win a box of custom made Element Bars. They are granola bars that you can make to your exact specifications.

Blueberry Repair, Cranberry Crunch, and Cherry Charge

There were 52 entries, and many people had earned “extra entries” by following my blog and / or tweeting about the giveaway. So in total, there were 104 names in the hat.

I thought I’d pick a winner in a different way this time. Last night, it was storming, so Pharmie and I were in the basement for about an hour. During that time, I hopped on Facebook Chat and asked a random friend to choose a number between 1 and 104. Here’s how it went down:

So who was number 56? It was Barefoot Angie Bee!! (She had won on one of her “extra entries” from tweeting and following me.) Congrats Angie!!

The rest of you, don’t despair; I have 2 bits of good news. Element Bars are running an offer right now that automatically takes 10% off every order, so check them out if you’re interested. And I’ll have another giveaway on Tuesday, so check back for that one!!

Back with a report from my first open water swim race tomorrow! Thanks!!


Unknown 8:45 PM, July 18, 2010  

This is really awesome!
I entered to win for my hubby but then realized that the date core looks to be gluten free so I can eat them too! I love dates and the energy they provide!
Thanks again for the giveaway Steve :)
Even though I don't post much, I have been a lurker for ages now :)

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