WIBA 2010

>> Tuesday, July 13, 2010

This past Friday through Sunday, Pharmie and I were out in WI training with old and new buddies. WIBA stands for "Wisconsin Ironman Brick Adventure," and it’s just a weekend of loose training on the IM WI course. It was started back in 2006 with just a handful of people (including Pharmie and I). It’s been growing every year, and we’ve HAD to be a part of it every year. It’s just plain fun! (Click here to go to WIBA’s website.)


Team Evotri got a tour of the Saris and CycleOps factory (sponsors of the team). And now that I’m married to a team member, I got to “tag along” for the ride.

I’m not allowed to show any photos from the PowerTap assembly room, but just take my word for it - that was pretty cool!! Saris and CycleOps are surprisingly small operations!

Employee bike-racks, lockers, and showers

Pharmie holding the “guts” of a PowerTap. See that TINY red wire? That’s the wire that gives you ALL the power data! Crazy!

Saris and CycleOps stuff ready to ship

Evotri members walking through the raw-metal area

I enjoyed my factory tour until I saw this. Damn Packer-Backers. ;)

The new strap they gave us for our old Saris bike rack. We JUST busted a strap 2 weeks ago! Thanks Saris!!


We headed to supper with everyone else who had signed up for WIBA. After the meal, Robby and Chris gave everyone a course preview and answered lots of questions.

Pharmie (and Cara in the background) enjoying Gelato on State St after our meal


Saturday started with an open water swim in the very spot of the IM WI swim, then a bike ride on the IM WI course, and finally some good grilled food.

Getting ready to swim

About half the WIBA gang ready to swim

Two of my favorite ladies: Pharmie and Rural Girl

Robby had pointed out a bigger dock that was on the other side of Monona Terrace, and he said that was about a mile swim there-and-back. So most people did that. I did too. I got WARM in my wetsuit - water temps have been HOT in the Midwest. I finished my swim and took more photos:

Robby sighting his way home

Cara popping up to smile (with Nat in the middle)

Amy coming in

Pharmie treading water post-swim

Robby (our fearless leader) giving directions to the park where we’d start the ride


We got out to Veteran’s Park in Verona, and everyone got ready to ride. Being I was still nursing a sore foot, I didn’t even bring my bike. I just figured I’d help “hold down the fort” and grill the delicious food as people were finishing up their rides. Most people biked 2 loops on the course (around 80 miles).

Chris helping Pharmie with her new PowerTap

The majority of the WIBA crew ready to ride

Pharmie getting ready to make like a baby and head out (that bad joke is for Robby)

Rural Girl, Robby, Chris, Pharmie, Cara, and Tracy

TriSaraTops, Jackie, Pharmie, and Damien

While everyone was out there, I ran back to the hotel to grab some stuff and shower. Oh, and I stopped someplace delicious:

When I got back to the park, Robby was setting up the most AMAZING invention ever!! CycleOps let us borrow this for the day. Take a look at this, and you’ll be able to figure out what it is...

I’ve got more photos and videos of this, and it will be my “Friday Funny” this week. So check back on Friday for more on this.

Soon, the girls came riding in after about 40 miles:

Pharmie, TriSaraTops, Tracy, Cara, and Jackie in the backie

Evotri babes

Rural Girl back from her ride

And Robby showed up with ice and a bag of booze for the “invention” seen a few photos above:

(Again, more on how THIS story ends on Friday...)

People were getting back from their rides. So that meant I needed to hit the grill. I loaded up 2 mini grills with lots of meat:

There’s only one way to grill at WIBA. Here’s what I looked like when I grilled LAST YEAR at WIBA:

So I had to look the part while grilling THIS YEAR at WIBA:

Later, I put on a tighter-than-skin-tight shirt that shows Elmo dressed in Western garb and it says “Tickle Fight” at the bottom:

“No officer, I was not offering that child candy from my windowless van...”

People who didn’t know me didn’t know what to think of my outfit. ;) Soon, Pharmie got back from the rest of her ride - she headed out with a few other people after 1 loop and put a total of 74 miles on her bike:

Looking over her power data with Chris

People hanging out

More people hanging out


We all met up on top of the Monona Terrace, which is the site of transition for IM WI. We were about to run the run course.

Robby giving us info

The gang ready to run

Heading out of the Terrace

I ran with the “fast” group. We were holding around 7:00 miles or a little faster. We started as 7 people, then dropped to 6, then dropped to 5. I chatted with Chris for most of it. I slung my camera over my shoulder and got a shot of the other 3 running with us:

Adam, [some who’s name escapes me - sorry!], and Jared

Meeting Stu’s gang on the little out-and-back portion of the run

Leading us away from the lake

Meeting back at the Terrace post-run


We all said our good-byes and took off. It had been a FUN weekend! Pharmie and I stopped in the Dells to eat. We found “Moose Jaw Pizza” because Pharmie was in the mood for pizza. And I’m ALWAYS in the mood for pizza. Among other things.

Sipping on my “Big Buddy” from Kwik Trip
(2 shots of cherry syrup, 80% diet cola, 20% root beer, 100% delicious)

What a fricken GREAT weekend!! Thanks for the great training camp Team Evotri!! (Click here if you’re interested in learning more about WIBA.) It was great to hang out with everyone! And remember, check back on Friday to see my “Friday Funny” which will consist of photos and videos of that amazing contraption!


Martin 6:43 AM, July 13, 2010  

This post was all sorts of fun to read! Just saying :)

trimybest 7:05 AM, July 13, 2010  

sounds like a great weekend! im sorry i wasnt able to go this year. i missed out!

Christi 8:13 AM, July 13, 2010  

Steve sounds like you guys had a great time with some great people! Too cool!

Matt 8:54 AM, July 13, 2010  

Sometimes, people who DO know you don't know what to think of your outfits!

Fe-lady 10:19 AM, July 13, 2010  

Looks like fun indeed...oh to be young, energetic, and ironman-bound! :-)
Thanks for the photos! You are one funny man!

M 10:34 AM, July 13, 2010  

man, you are bringing the hotness in those grillin' shorts. love it!

Greenking17 "TRI-harder" 10:58 AM, July 13, 2010  

Steve!!! You are too funny....I've been keeping up with thte blog, but not alot of posting comments! That being said I have two questions:
1) When did Pharmeie get those dope Zipp wheels?
2) how did you get into that awesome shirt?
3) MooseJaw pizza is great, did you see that Moose's belly button?

Hope to see you soon!


Anonymous,  12:31 PM, July 13, 2010  

What a fun and active weekend! And WHERE did you find that shirt? LOL

Regina 1:21 PM, July 13, 2010  

power tap...so jealous!!

I'll see your bike blender and raise you a bike BBQ.


teacherwoman 4:34 PM, July 13, 2010  

I saw a lot of your photos on facebook and remember you posting about this last year as well. Looks like tons of fun... *jealous*!

Katie 4:50 PM, July 13, 2010  

I am hoping you didn't venture into our commuter showers, because well, the funkiness that comes out of those showers will make even the most loyal commuter think twice.

I'm bummed that 2yrs in a row my cankle kept me from participating in WIBA but thanks for the awesome photo review. I can't wait to see how you put our blender to use...

Michelle 6:35 PM, July 14, 2010  

You never cease to amaze me. Just when I had banished the image of that shirt out of my mind, BOOM, there it is!!!

sRod 1:28 PM, July 15, 2010  

I've seen a bike blender before, but not one that looks like that! That is legit stuff!

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