Thirsty (for knowledge) Thursday: my Favorite Interval Workout for Endurance Runners

>> Thursday, October 25, 2018

Back in August of 2010, Coach Jen had me do a 2x2 mile workout on the way to training me for the TC 10 Mile. That 10 Mile ended up being my PR at 59:05. I put in 2 months of hard training after a solid summer to nail that PR.

Since then, I've done her 2x2 mile workout a few times a year. I've come to love it! I used to do 3x1600 on the track, but I only like to do that ON THE TRACK (I can't always get to one), and it kind of beats me up because I end up running around my 5K pace. That's a great workout, but I feel like it helps me more just for shorter events. It's maybe been 2 or 3 years since I've done that workout.

This 2x2 mile workout is great pace work for longer races - I'd say 10Ks to half marathons or so. I like it better than my old 3x1600 on the track for the 2 reasons listed above: I don't feel like I need to be on the track for this workout, and it doesn't kill my body.

Here's usually how I do it:

- 1 to 2 mile jogging warm up.
- 3 minutes walking.

- 2 miles hard. (Sometimes I focus on negative splitting each 2 miles, but usually I just "RUN.")
- 3 minutes walking rest.
- 2 miles hard.

- 3 minutes walking rest.
- 1 to 2 mile jogging cool down.

- Total of 6-8 miles, with 4 of those being hard.

I don't usually SPRINT to the finish of this workout - I run it all pretty evenly hard. (Like miles 2-4 of a 10K.) That avoids the stress of that final "all out" sprint... but I'd probably get more out of the workout if I DID sprint to the finish.

As I posted on Monday, I did this workout as my only really HARD workout between the TC 10 Mile 2.5 weeks ago and my 10K this weekend. I've done this a few times with the stroller too, and back in August, I dropped under 12 minutes on my second interval with the double stroller for the first time ever. It's a good hard workout, but nothing too hard on my body or too hard to remember.

So try it sometime! Often, after a winter of "base-building" running, this is my first intervals of the year to try to get some speed back. After our last long winter, I did this workout in early June and ran slower than I did with the double stroller a few months later. It's a good workout to TRY to get yourself used to running hard again.

And here's a final link about this workout when I PRed this 2x2 mile workout 18 months ago.

For more "Thirsty Thursday" posts that highlight workouts, body science, and all kinds of interesting information, CLICK HERE. As always, back with some "Friday Funnies" tomorrow.


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