Swim Workout: 4 x 500s

>> Thursday, February 12, 2009

I met Julia at the Y at 6:30 this morning before work. I was ready for her to beat me into the ground. It was going to be my last real workout before Sunday’s half marathon.

The idea was to do each 500 just a LITTLE faster than the previous while getting a LITTLE more rest after each interval (40 seconds rest after the first, 45 after the second, and 50 after the third). So I ended up going every 9 minutes.

I don’t normally warm-up before swimming, but Julia’s coach told Julia "tell Steve to pull his Speedo out of his butt..." and warm-up. So today, I did (just a little). Thanks coach! Ha!

Off we went.

1:32, 1:39, 1:42, 1:43, 1:38 = 8:16
1:34, 1:39, 1:37, 1:38, 1:37 = 8:07
1:34, 1:40, 1:40, 1:36, 1:37 = 8:10
1:35, 1:42, 1:39, 1:39, 1:38 = 8:16

So my second one was too fast, and that led to my last one being too slow (cause I was pooped). Bummer. Well, it was STILL a killer workout!! I was a little fried after that second one. And I could tell my last one was slow, even though I was going pretty hard. Overall, it was harder than I thought it was going to be. (Julia said she’d rather do 20x100, but I don’t know if I’d QUITE say that...)

Julia’s nuts. She started once I was already 150 yards into my workout, and she still finished 50 yards BEFORE me! Animal!

Here we were all chipper before we started:

And here we are afterwards. Julia was STILL chipper. I was actually dead - floating face-down in the pool behind her:

Three days until the Rochester Half Marathon!! Wish me luck!! Anyone want to run it with me?

p.s. We wanted to give some free advertising to our great ART Chiropractor, Dr. Folske. Julia is the one who gave me his name last year. Today, Julia wore her “Folske Spine and Rehab” suit. Sweet.


Anonymous,  11:52 AM, February 12, 2009  

Just like William Holden at the start of SUNSET BOULEVARD....

triguyjt 12:08 PM, February 12, 2009  

why didn't she tie weights to your legs???

glub glub

good job pushing it

tfh 12:15 PM, February 12, 2009  

This workout and the speed at which you completed it make me feel like I should stick to the kiddie pool. Or the bathtub.

Missy 12:19 PM, February 12, 2009  

Love the pictures! Yep, you gotta warm up and cool down too. Best of luck this coming weekend.

Kelly 12:19 PM, February 12, 2009  

Hahaha I love that photo of you dead. I assume you were able to revive yourself?

http://gokristen.wordpress.com 12:24 PM, February 12, 2009  

That second picture is hilarious!

Good job on your swimming and good luck this weekend!

The Lazy Triathlete 12:39 PM, February 12, 2009  

I don't swim my 100s that fast when I AM sprinting. I was doing 1:09 with fins today.

Chic Runner 12:51 PM, February 12, 2009  

You're going to do great at the half this weekend! :) Good luck!

X-Country2 12:55 PM, February 12, 2009  

Good luck this weekend! Julia seems like such a cool chick.

Carolina John 1:01 PM, February 12, 2009  

Good luck at the half steve. i'm sure you're going to get that pr.

Jennifer Harrison 1:31 PM, February 12, 2009  

Um, where should I start? Ok, first...YOU need to warm up - unless you are 18, which it appears you are not. Second: I thought you were supposed to descend the 500s? What happened to #4? I did tell Julia to tell you to "pull up your big girl panties and get your speedo out of your butt and warm up." Something like that...Anyway, glad Julia and you had a good swim and some fun!
Good luck in your race this weekend!

GoBigGreen 1:49 PM, February 12, 2009  

HA! See this is what i get EVERY workout. Tough love from Jen:)!! You did great Steve, and hopefully you dont have to pay for the AED patches i needed to revive you after that last 500. (sorry bout the chest hair, it will grow back) Ok not funny really knowing what i do everyday...

I just need to see a picture of you biking then i will know that you actually train for that as well!

Good luck this weekend, I hope the path is clear and you run like a gazelle!

Amy 2:35 PM, February 12, 2009  

That picture is hilarious (of you face down).

RooBabs 2:46 PM, February 12, 2009  

Great swim, and love the before and after pics, ha ha!!

Judi 4:21 PM, February 12, 2009  

your swim times look good steve!

Alisa 4:43 PM, February 12, 2009  

I love the pool!

Haha...your deadman float makes the inner lifeguard in me perk up and "survey the scene." (aka Step 1 in lifeguard rescues)

Charisa 5:48 PM, February 12, 2009  

LOVE the dead, floating face down pic!! Priceless!

Lindsay 6:05 PM, February 12, 2009  

you are hilarious. love the drowning photo, but glad you weren't really drowning of course.

teacherwoman 7:11 PM, February 12, 2009  

Great job, Steve! Wahoo!

Love the pic of you drowning.. it's too funny.

TRI TO BE FUNNY 8:37 PM, February 12, 2009  

I totally spit my wine all over my monitor when I saw: 1.) Your smokin' times 2.) Your floating carcass!

richvans 8:58 PM, February 12, 2009  

I thought you said you were a slow swimmer. Nice times! No you didn't quite hit the descending plan, but they were all in the ballpark.

Anonymous,  9:50 PM, February 12, 2009  

Let's see now. The attractive lady in the swim suit, she used to be in pictures, used to be big, was/is big, but the PICTURES got SMALL....

And the young man, or corpse I should say, floating in the pool (he always wanted a pool, and it looks like he finally got one), he wanted to be a writer, or a photographer, till one day jogging from his creditors (why do you think he took up running, anyway?), he took a fateful turn, up her driveway....

Yes, they had faces then, and FEET....

Sounds like the beginnings of a great movie....

I can't go on with the scene. I'm too happy.

CoachLiz 10:55 PM, February 12, 2009  

Funny pics!

Good luck this weekend and let us know how it all goes.

Anonymous,  7:08 AM, February 13, 2009  

Luck wished!

The Boring Runner 7:45 AM, February 13, 2009  

Hahahahaha. Wow, that 2nd picture is awesome. You must be really nice because I can never get people to go in with me on fun pictures like that. orrrr, maybe I just hang out with too many fuddy duddies. :)

DCjosh 10:01 AM, February 13, 2009  

Great pictures, even greater lap scheduling! Your doc must be proud, I know I am when one of my patients shaves serious time like that. Best of luck at the half marathon! There is one here in Missouri in Oct. if you are interested, hah!

Bootchez 3:52 PM, February 13, 2009  

Best of luck with your half marathon . . . you will ROCK it, fer sure!

RBR 7:48 PM, February 13, 2009  

Am I the only one that is irritated that both of you even look cute in swim caps?

Does that make me petty?

Nice job on a beast swim!

sRod 9:57 AM, February 19, 2009  

I would have died about 3 minutes into that workout. Good job.

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