11 Miles on the Suckmill
>> Sunday, February 08, 2009
Total: 11 miles in 1:13:15
6:39 / mile average
No TVs. No music. Just a window and a mirror.
Time to go eat some pizza with Pharmie’s family!
Wow...you and Pharmie are impressive. You both ran A LOT on the stupid treadmill.....you definitely earned that pizza!
11 miles on the suckmill! You're really insane.
nice negative split! i had my fasted mile on the dreadmill yesterday too, but it was only about 8 something.
No nothing? Ewwww. You need to find a more entertaining treadmill.
Nice workout. So you're one of those guys that passes gas on the treadmill for the rest of us to die from!?!?
Awesome, your so committed! NOW go enjoy your pizza!
This post is on a par with that treadmill. "Painted (RUNNY!) Hair," a "Wet T-Shirt" picture, a bunch of numbers like the "DOW," and connubial farting....
11 miles on the treadmill with no music or TV! you are brave...
No music AND gassy - sick
Dang no music! I can live without TV but if I'm on the 'mill I need something!
Though when I lived in Boston one of my favorite things was to get a 'mill by the window and watch the snow fall while I was sweatin' in shorts and a tank!
Ewww, poor Pharmie!
Nice job on the progressively faster splits. And no TV's or music?! I don't know how you do it.
Wow a nice gassy 11 miler!!!
I am jealous!!!
Congrats to you both! I don't have the patience for even a 3 miler on the treadmill!
Hmm, I went outside where the sidewalks were actually ok for the most part and the air was fresh. Maybe i did the best thing for my breathing:)Good times, dude you smoke that TM/SM/DMill!
Poor, poor Pharmie...
Super America? Is there some sort of gaseous region in-between north and south america that I don't know about?
Please share the whole up-your-ass-and-died story with your inlaws ;)
Glad your knee held out for all 11! Thanks for my very first comment EVER! I was surprised to see I had one and shocked that it was from you!!
I think we should have a "name the critter that died up Steve in a Speedo's ass-hole" contest. I'll wager it was an intrepid gay hamster. Very intrepid, and VERY GAY....
I notice how your mile splits got faster as you got gassier. Any connection???
And, it is not what crawled up in there, but what you put down the hatch some time before that treadmill workout that caused the methane outbursts.
Poor Pharmie! Great job on the run though!
Poor Pharmie and poor whoever else came into the room for the rest of the day. :o)
poor pharmie!!! wow 11 miles on the treadmill... thats impressive!
Poor girl, she must really love you to run 8 gaseous miles next to you. :)
Man.. that's a lot of miles for the treadmill.
I did 8 miles on the dreadmill today. Blech. Cannot wait for Spring to be sprung and whatnot.
Wow. That is superhuman. Esp w/ no music or tv and a lot of gas. Pharmie is a saint.
Wow. How in the the world!?!? Aren't you getting this freakishly warm weather too?
I love farting on the treadmill...the best part is I look to the person next to me like they did it.
The treadmill can bite me. I am so over running on a conveyor belt in a cramped room with my reflection staring back at me in pain and boredom. SPRING WHERE ARE YOU?!?!
lol..sometimes I am just scared to read your posts by the title... then, oddly curious at the same time.LOL. I am glad Pharmie was able to go upwind from your toxic outburst. Poor girl....
11 miles on a treadmill with no TV? I'd poke my eyes out!! The farthest I've ever run is 8 miles, but then again, that took an hour and 20 minutes, so your 11 miles was shorter than my 8. Either way, congrats for finishing.
Yikes. That is a lot of time on the treadmill. People tend to look at me funny when I spend 60+ minutes on the machine.
There have definitely been times on the treadmill were I wasn't farting as much as I was opening up the vents to the dead thing that is stuck inside of me.
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