Training Updates

>> Wednesday, March 25, 2015

I've done nothing too dramatic over the last few weeks, but the workouts have been decent:

SWIM: I've been shortening my swims a bit simply because I've been doing more running and biking lately, and I don't have time for everything. And really, if I'm just planning on sprint tris, do I REALLY need to be doing 2500 yard swims?

Ten days ago I did my fastest 100s ever (averaged 1:23.66/100 over 15x100), but since then I've been doing non-fast "normal" swims: some 200s just over 3:00, some 500s in just under 7:40, etc.

BIKE: After hitting the trainer more in February, my "go-to" outdoor ride loop was surprisingly fast for a March ride! I did it in 47:03, which is a 19.7 mph average. (I set my "go-to loop" PR last September in 45:55 [20.2 mph], and that was the first I'd broken 20.0 mph.) I felt pretty good on this ride, and my time was pretty great for March. The trainer time was time well-spent!

But I can't let up - I need to work on my bike speed if I want to perform the way I'd like to in some spring races. I've hit the trainer twice already this week. Keep it going!

RUN: I'm happy to report that my sacrum/hip is still feeling OK after STARTING to bring a little speed back! It's been 2.5 weeks since the indoor triathlon where I posted a 18:20 5K, and things are OK. I knew I'd need a few days after that race to see how my injuries would act, but they didn't flare up.

I ran easy the week after the race, and then I bumped it up a bit the week after that (last week): I did 6.6 miles with 3 at tempo pace (6:06), and I did another run that was few miles with the boys with some sub-6:30 miles. Then yesterday I got out for a quick 7 miles between classes. My ankle and hip/sacrum felt JUST FINE over that long run.


Carolina John 1:31 PM, March 25, 2015  

We did sprints at the end of swim practice on Monday and I actually nailed a 1:15 hundred for my fastest time ever. insane! Loving the water these days. Glad you're able to fit it all in bro.

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