"Skippeda50gate" and Lisa Running from her Responsibilities

>> Saturday, March 21, 2015

BFFFN Devon chimed in my shortened swim at the race 2 weeks ago on his blog:

As you know Steven Stenzel is my Best Friend Forever For Now and you also know he won a challenge at the YWCA Indoor Tri last weekend against Lisa Lendaway. It was a fierce battle. They swam 600, biked 12 miles, and ran a 5k on the indoor track. Seeing Steve in action reminded me of a Panther hunting it’s prey. He is a smooth and ferocious and very gifted natural athlete, like the Panther. Information is emerging about their race, however. It would seem Steven, and I stand beside him through thick and thin regardless of the scandals he immerses himself in, ALLEGEDLY may have swum 550 yards instead of 600. Yes, he ALLEGEDLY cut off a 50. This is shocking. An investigative committee is already looking into the controversial case. I’m withholding judgement until I have all the information and once I do my judgement will still be in favor of Steven, for friendship reasons. I think that is how our justice system works here in the US. Anyways please stay tuned for more information about #skippeda50gate.

#skippeda50gate: nice.

Remember how the winner of our challenge won free childcare from the loser? (Lisa and I both have 2 kids, and we love it when we have time to get in a workout.) Well Lisa's been pulling the "I'm too busy" excuse since the race. Lame. Last weekend, she couldn't watch the boys because she HAD to go to Florida for a 70.3 race. She finished 7th OVERALL and as the first female. Lame excuse for not babysitting my boys. She was out of the water 2nd OVERALL in 17:30, had a 2:26:21 bike, and then a 1:44:38 run. She finished in 4:31 overall.

1st female in every division, and overall female winner by a half hour.

I could have totally done a 4:31. Or maybe I could have done a 5:31. Well, sub-6 for sure. Maybe.

Then she taught her daughters what a recovery meal looked like:

While I hate her lame excuses for ducking out of her babysitting responsibilities, I DO respect her parenting style. Nice work, Lisa. Hope to have you babysit my boys before they have their drivers licenses.

In case you missed it, here's my race report where I fairly beat Lisa (and explained the controversy), and here are Devon's photos from the race (a lot of my bum).


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