Official Results (and "DILF Talk") from the Indoor Tri

>> Wednesday, March 11, 2015

The results are in. Of the 23 people doing the "long course" mega-sprint (600 yd swim, 12 mile bike, 5K run), here were the overall results:

I laughed right away when I saw my 9:05 swim time. Remember how I noted that I was pulled out a lap early in my race report after 8:15? Well, they tacked on 0:50 for the results. The race director emailed me right after the results were posted to say that she should have done the math and added only 0:45, but then noted that the extra 0:05 could be for distracting the race announcer. That's fair. And none of that added time changed my overall place (or even my swim place). The ONLY downside to being pulled out early is that I was on such a good pace and would have finished in 8:58 or 8:59. Sub-9:00 when I was HOPING to be able to hit 9:12 (the same pace I did a 400 yd swim in the mini-sprint race a year ago). I was right on pace for 9:00 flat, but (like everyone) I pick it up a bit in the final 100 and a bit more in the final 50.

- 4th fastest swim (Lisa was #2)
- Tied for 11th fastest bike (Lisa was #21, but we were the only ones spinning with any resistance)
- 1st fastest run (Lisa was #4)

There were 61 total racers among all 3 distances, and they rank everyone on their transition times. I had the 3rd fastest T1 time (behind Lisa in #1), but that would have been #2 had I not been confused after being pulled from the pool a lap early. (The 2nd fastest person was 0:01 in front of me, so I would have gotten her, but NOT Lisa who was 20 seconds in front of me!) And then I tied for 3rd fastest T2 at 0:02, behind 2 people who had a 0:01 T2. Awesome. That's just a quick hop off the spin bike right onto the track. Lisa had a pathetic 0:04 T2.

Oh, and it's great that at this 4-race series over the winter, they show your results from all the races you've done so you can compare your times. Here are Lisa's 3 races, and you can see how adding the resistance on the bike affected her time:

Our race pushed her to her fastest swim, T1, and T2 times of all 3 races.

After I posted my race report, there was some great feedback via Facebook. Here are 3 different things worth mentioning:

This is referencing the last paragraph of my race report where I mentioned
what we could do with our 2 free hours of babysitting.

Lisa's newly minted pro-triathlete sister might have a crush on my 10-month-old.

And finally, there were a few poo-poo-ers who didn't think the race was fair. Here's how those conversations went:

If you're from MN, you know Jerry as the voice of triathlon, so I hope I race an event with
him at the mic - we'll see if I hear "DILF" mentioned at all...

Here's my full race report if you missed it. I'll be back with more photos shortly...


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