Training Numbers: Week In Review Post-Triathlon

>> Tuesday, March 17, 2015

SUNDAY, 3/8: Indoor Tri. Here's my race report - I was pretty happy with my 18:20 5K. But how much would that aggravate my hip/sacrum injury from August of 2013?

MONDAY, 3/9: Stretch and roller. I just spent some good time working out the legs.

TUESDAY, 3/10: Lift (upper body). Still kinda taking it easy.

WEDNESDAY, 3/11: 50 mins on the trainer (Spinervals), and core and legs at the gym. STILL kinda taking it easy. The spin wasn't too intense.

THURSDAY, 3/12: Easy 4.5 mile run, and a little upper body. First run post-race felt OK. Hip/sacrum a little achy, but not bad.

Alright, that's enough recovery... time to do some WORKOUTS.

FRIDAY, 3/13: 9x200 in the pool, and some core. The 200s started off slow. And stayed slow. I felt sluggish. I realized part way into the swim that it was my first swim in a long time that was more than 4 days after my last swim. I looked back: the first few days in NOVEMBER was the last time I went as much as 5 days between swims, and that's just when I decided to re-commit myself to swimming. I thought that was the reason for my sluggishness. I figured it might take a few weeks to get back to where I had been a few weeks ago. I swam my slowest 200s of the year: 3:04.5 (when my last 3 workouts of 200s averaged 3:01.X, 3:00.X, and 2:59.X [but not as a perfect descend like that]). The workout was good, but I felt crummy. But that'd be turned around once I hit the pool again on Sunday...

SATURDAY, 3/14: good upper body workout, and MY FIRST OUTDOOR RIDE OF 2015! The weather had been great for a few days, but it hadn't worked to get out. But I got in a 25 mile ride on Saturday! My first rides of the year are usually about 15-18 miles, and I'm dead at the end. But the last 6 weeks of trainer workouts seemed to really show here, because I had a 19.9 average on a windy day at mile 15 (before climbing a big hill). I hit a little of the Greenway trail, and did "the loop" that I like to do (Summit, River Road, Shepard Road, Ramsey Hill). I finished still feeling OK with a 19.0 average. Not that great, I know, but I felt good about it being the first outdoor ride of the year.

SUNDAY, 3/15: 15x100 in the pool, some legs at the gym, and an easy run with the boys. I was ready for this swim to stink a little again. I told myself I wasn't going to go nuts, and maybe I'd just shoot to have them around 1:30 (my current CSS swim pace). But the first one was 1:23. The next few were 1:25-1:27. Then a bunch at 1:23 again. I ended up swimming MY PERSONAL BEST 15x100 WITH A 1:23.66 AVERAGE! (30 sec rest between intervals.)

After the swim, I did some leg work at the gym, and then went straight home with the boys and "ran out" my legs with an easy 4 miles with them in the stroller, as I showed in my last post:

That's a lot of physical activity before noon!

MONDAY, 3/16: no endurance workout, just some core and old PT leg exercises. I can't forget about my old physical therapy exercises for my weak butt. Gotta keep those up.

TUESDAY, 3/17: Maybe a swim? Maybe a lot of 50s? Maybe some 400s? We'll see what today holds.


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