3 Updates: Family, Professional, and the RACE TOMORROW!

>> Saturday, March 07, 2015

FAMILY UPDATES: There's no specific update. Here's just a few photos of my fellas from the past week:

Charlie and my folks last weekend at my Sister's house. He chewed on that duck the whole time.

Having pizza with the cousins.

My wife Instagrammed this: "Just a regular Wednesday night at our house..."
(It was actually a special night - neither of us big boys were in our undies!)

Tub time.

I was putting away laundry when Charlie did this. First time pulling himself up in the crib!
We moved his mattress down the next day!

PROFESSIONAL UPDATES: Last Saturday was a great night. I'm on the board of CVA Action, a non-profit that is trying to keep the College of Visual Arts community alive after the college closed 2 years ago. Saturday night was the opening reception of "Reverberations," a juried alumni show that was hung in 2 galleries in the warehouse district of Minneapolis. Here are some photos from a big post on my Photo Blog:

The lobby outside the gallery. It was FILLED with old familiar faces!

Lots of former students in this photo.

The gallery full of people.

This was my former work-study boss from 14 years ago!
On Facebook, I captioned it "Still in love after all these years..."

The CVA Action board, along with 2 former department heads who helped make this show happen.

CVA Action Instagrammed this photo of 3 panoramas of the 2 galleries:

"A few panoramas from REVERBERATIONS at Form+Content and Traffic Zone galleries.
The opening last Saturday was a smashing success!
Still time to see the show: M-F, 9-5 at TZ; and Th-Sat, 12-6 at F+C."

Check out more photos on my Photo Blog (I'm putting up more of the show shortly), and feel free to follow CVA Action on Facebook and Instagram. (Oh, and if you're a local, watch for more info on a night of artist lectures that we're hosting later this month. I'm probably going to be the emcee. Come heckle me.)

RACE UPDATES: Lisa and I are ready to race Sunday morning at 10:25! As I mentioned earlier this week, my chances aren't looking good. I'm not being coy or trying to sandbag the race - I mean just a look at these numbers. It will be very hard for me to come out on top!

The public is welcome to come cheer at 10:25 at the Midtown YWCA which is near Lake and Hiawatha in Minneapolis. I could use your cheers! Lisa or I will NOT be the overall winner. I predict one of us will win our heat (which is full of the MEGA Sprint distance athletes), but there are 2 guys doing the same distance in the heat before us who will beat us: Brian S and Bob T. (Brian closed out an indoor tri recently with a 16:29 5K on the track!!) They will take 1st and 2nd, and hopefully I'll take 3rd. And then hopefully Lisa will finish too. :)

When I posted my predictions on Wednesday, Lisa and Devon (who will be announcing the race) had this to say on Facebook:

And I showed these images in my post on Wednesday, but there have been a lot more comments. Here's an update on one of Devon's posts:

I don't know who you are, Wendy Hurd, but I'm not sure I like you.

Tomorrow morning. It's go time. Keep an eye on my tweets and possibly my Instagram for updates. Wish me luck!

Related posts:
- Announcing the showdown
- My predictions for the race
- Support from my friends

p.s. As a total side-note, you might remember Brian S from our duathlon wins in 2013 at the Cinco Du Mayo Duathlon. (Here's my race report - that was a good day!) It was my first duathlon win, and Brian passed me just before the finish to win the long course (I was doing the short course). Major props to the race director for anticipating the finish times of the 2 winners and starting the 2 races at the appropriate interval:

Brian and I coming in to win the long course and short course races at the 2013 Cinco Du.

Two winners with horrible post-race hair.


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