Weekend Race and MN Weather

>> Monday, April 07, 2014

Some of Pharmie's family got together to race a 5K and 11K on Saturday. Here's the gang pre-race:

Pharmie, Jon, Steph, Evie, Annie, and (New) Matt

Pharmie, Steph, and Annie have a brother named Matt (my relay partner for a number of duathlons over the years), so Annie's boyfriend somehow got the nickname of NEW Matt. He's cool with it. We think.

Here are a few more photos from the race:

Steph was proud of this photobomb. As she should be.

Too sunny.

Matt trying to stay warm pre-race. He ran with Evie for the FIRST TIME EVER,
and it was for this 5K race. THEY FINISHED 2ND OVERALL!!
(Sure there were only 26 runners, but still... he ran 7-somethings with a stroller!)

Pharmie didn't race, but Annie still snapped a shot of her finishing up a run
after everyone else had finished the race.

Annie snapped a photo driving behind Steph and Jon - they forgot a banana on their roof.

The racers did great. The 3 in the 11K finished within a minute of each other, and they placed 1st, 2nd, and 3rd in their age groups! And I already mentioned that New Matt (and Evie) got 2nd overall in the 5K! New Matt told me he was trying to make sure to stay ahead of the 13-year-old girl behind him. Really.

Henry and I met them at IHOP post-race. The cousins hammed it up:

They look like they're drunkenly sharing stories.

And a final "weather" note: we got 10-12 inches of snow on Friday, and then it warmed up pretty quick. Here's a side-by-side image that I Instagrammed last night - it shows a view of our sidewalk on FRIDAY and SUNDAY:

What a difference 48 hours can make in Minnesota. Sheesh.

Here's 2 more from our front yard:



Time to take advantage of this warmer weather and snowless conditions - I need to get on my bike soon! Have a good week!

p.s. If you missed my weekend post about swimming tips for triathletes, check it out.


Kristin 9:14 AM, April 07, 2014  

I had to laugh because I have totally done that with a banana at a tri. Realized in body marking I didn't have it, searched all my stuff, accused my husband of eating it, etc. Got back to the car after a great race and it was sitting on my spare tire. It's now a joke before I race: "Are you SUUUUUURE you have your banana?"

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