Friday Funny 709: Puns and Funny Links

>> Friday, April 18, 2014

Finally, as I do every few weeks, here are some funny posts from my tumblr page from the last 2 weeks:

Athletic-related funny things:

Why I run.

[GIF] One of the weirdest bikes ever.


[GIF] soccer skills.

[GIF] Me diving.

Weekend forecast.

After working out for 10 minutes.

I don't think that's what it means...

Great ad campaign to get people to wear their helmets.

[GIF] My workout routine.

How to tell if someone has ran a marathon.

My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard.

[GIF] This is a strong, flexible woman! (One of my "hard bodies of the day.")

And for the ladies, here are some more "hard bodies of the day" - some beefy crossfit dudes.

Non-athletic funny things:

This looks safe.

McDonalds is finally being honest.

Science joke.

Me after Chipotle.

[GIF] What?

Wine humor.

[GIF] Kiss cam kids.

Fox News in a nutshell.

Walmart is sassy on Facebook.

The grossest / weirdest / best haiku ever written.

Another lovely poem.

A final poem about politics.

Tips on how to tell if a woman is mad at you.

I want this camera.

Yeah. Sure. "Unforeseen circumstances." Uh huh.

A true superhero.

First iPhone.

The Charmin Bears.

Dealing with an upset woman.

Honesty. Always the best policy.


There's a lot of debate over which way to hang a roll of toilet paper, but I'm 100% sure this is the wrong way.

How to be happy.

What happens when Mom mixes up "picture day" and "pajama day."

My favorite smell.

How to make every situation more intense.

All my dreams just came true.

At the dentists.


And as always, stop by for funnies all week long. Happy weekend!!


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